deploying django application to google app engine

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-08-10 20:12:54


I have followed through the steps in google cloud platform guide, but still getting permission error. which says the caller does not have the permission. pls what am I doing wrong. this is the out of command gcloud config list

region = us-central1
zone = us-central1-f
account = <gmail-account>
disable_usage_reporting = True
project = <project-id>
Your active configuration is: [default]

this is the error it raised

ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects/<project-id>/regions/europe-west1/operations/error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task /appengine-flex-v1/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-07-28T15:45:31.962Z49210.jv.11: Deployment Manager operation <project-id>/operation-... errors: [code: "RESOURCE_ERROR"
location: "/deployments/aef-default-..../resources/aef-default-...."
message: "{\"ResourceType\":\"compute.beta.regionAutoscaler\",
\"message\":\"The caller does not have permission\",


Please check your project quotas usually this error is raised when your project doesn't have enough IPs or VMs (App engine Flex uses Compute Engine VMs) and the scaling strategy on your app.yaml is exceeding the quotas.

Please try to add one of the following blocks in your app.yaml file

For automatic scaling

    min_num_instances: 1
    max_num_instances: 2

For manual scaling

   instances: 2

To avoid exhaust these quotas please, delete/stop the App Engine service versions that you don't need.

For more information about scaling strategies please check this reference guide

For example: Every VM takes 1 IP and your project have a quota of 4.

If your app engine service has 3 VMs running (3 IPs used), in the next deploy you only has 1 IP available, if your min_instances or instances in your app.yaml file is greater than 1, the deploy will fails.

This is because is not possible allocate more than 4 IPs on your project, and App engine first turn on the new instances and after shutdown the old instances, this is to avoid a service interruption

If you need increase this resource quotas it is necessary to contact a GCP sales rep.

