How can I encode the Unicode character U+0048 (H), say, in a PowerShell string?
In C# I would just do this: "\u0048"
, but that doesn't appear to work in PowerShell.
Shay Levy
Replace '\u' with '0x' and cast it to System.Char:
PS > [char]0x0048
You can also use the "$()" syntax to embed a Unicode character into a string:
PS > "Acme$([char]0x2122) Company"
AcmeT Company
Where T is PowerShell's representation of the character for non-registered trademarks.
According to the documentation, PowerShell Core 6.0 adds support with this escape sequence:
PS> "`u{0048}"
Kevin Buchan
Maybe this isn't the PowerShell way, but this is what I do. I find it to be cleaner.
[regex]::Unescape("\u0048") # Prints H
[regex]::Unescape("\u0048ello") # Prints Hello