How can I programmatically change the multiplier in the simplest way?
For Swift 2.0
So for Y, if you set the top of the image equal with a constant of 0 to the top of the superView. then enter this code:
@IBOutlet weak var topc: NSLayoutConstraint!
let heightOfSuperview = self.view.bounds.height
topc.constant = heightOfSuperview * 0.90 // this has the same effect as multiplier
This is equivalent of Center.y multiplier = 0.9:1
I try to use extension but it not work, but change to the global utility function and it work for me:
public class func changeMultiplier(constraint: NSLayoutConstraint, multiplier: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
let newConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(
item: constraint.firstItem,
attribute: constraint.firstAttribute,
relatedBy: constraint.relation,
toItem: constraint.secondItem,
attribute: constraint.secondAttribute,
multiplier: multiplier,
constant: constraint.constant)
newConstraint.priority = constraint.priority
return newConstraint