

允我心安 提交于 2021-01-11 08:19:44
来源|智车科技 作者|刘洪 埃隆·马斯克一直在诟病激光雷达的成本,现在激光雷达便宜的竞争者来了,他应该点赞哦。不过,特斯拉至今没有搭载,咋的了? 埃隆·马斯克的特斯拉打死也不搭载激光雷达(LiDAR)自有其道理,但也没能找到让尚处于自动驾驶起步阶段的车辆发现未经机器学习训练的庞然大物的方法,以至于因“视而不见”而事故不断,当然,无端突然加速又是另外一回事了。 事实上,近年来马斯克爱用的摄像头方案已有了新的进展,引起了主机厂和Tier 1极大的关注和采用,它就是 立体视觉(StereoVision)技术,也有人叫它3D感测或双目摄像头, 当然还有多目摄像头。今天就来聊聊这个双目摄像头的一些事儿。 01 特斯拉黑客的发现 谈到一种技术,人们总要看电动汽车的领头羊特斯拉是怎么做的,双目摄像头自然也不能例外。 最近,特斯拉黑客@greentheonly在Autopilot代码中观察到Tesla Semi卡车的10个摄像头设置,发现了Semi可能会安装10个摄像头的提示。他说:“Semi的第十个摄像头被列为“右中继器(Repeater)2”,这是相当有趣的,在Class 8卡车位于中央驾驶位置。车辆控制器‘HW3.2’也提到了Semi的10个摄像头设置。所以只有一个右中继器是不够的。”不过,上述发现没有涉及双目立体视觉之类的摄像头。 此前,Model 3车主Erik J.

How to access ODBC Driver on Azure App service

谁都会走 提交于 2020-12-23 11:42:13
问题 I'm trying to run a Django (3.0) app on Azure App Service in Linux, connected to an Azure SQL Database. In my staging App Service instance, this works perfectly, however, when I set up my production instance on a different Azure account, my Django app can no longer access the database. When I hardcoded the ODBC Driver 17 into database settings, I got this error in my Oryx build logs: pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' :

How to access ODBC Driver on Azure App service

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-12-23 11:41:33
问题 I'm trying to run a Django (3.0) app on Azure App Service in Linux, connected to an Azure SQL Database. In my staging App Service instance, this works perfectly, however, when I set up my production instance on a different Azure account, my Django app can no longer access the database. When I hardcoded the ODBC Driver 17 into database settings, I got this error in my Oryx build logs: pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' :

How to access ODBC Driver on Azure App service

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-12-23 11:41:05
问题 I'm trying to run a Django (3.0) app on Azure App Service in Linux, connected to an Azure SQL Database. In my staging App Service instance, this works perfectly, however, when I set up my production instance on a different Azure account, my Django app can no longer access the database. When I hardcoded the ODBC Driver 17 into database settings, I got this error in my Oryx build logs: pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' :

How to access ODBC Driver on Azure App service

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-12-23 11:39:58
问题 I'm trying to run a Django (3.0) app on Azure App Service in Linux, connected to an Azure SQL Database. In my staging App Service instance, this works perfectly, however, when I set up my production instance on a different Azure account, my Django app can no longer access the database. When I hardcoded the ODBC Driver 17 into database settings, I got this error in my Oryx build logs: pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' :

activiti modeler 任务节点自定义属性扩展

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-08-15 07:46:34
  在工作中使用Activiti modeler时难免会遇到局限,如usertask中的属性,完全不够用,这时需要我们去扩展。   activiti modeler通过读取stencilset.json生成编辑器UI,在界面上的扩展需要了解stencilset.json配置文件,它定义元素的属性,规则的配置文件,页面的展示就是根据这个配置文件生成的。 配置文件说明: --属性的定义 "propertyPackages" : [ { "name" : "process_idpackage", "properties" : [ { "id" : "name", ---id "type" : "String", --类型,在赋值的时候会根据类型展示各种输入框,根据properties.js "title" : "名称", --显示的标题 "value" : "", --值 "description" : "BPMN元素的描述性名称.", --描述 "category":"property", --分类,空的话位popular "popular" : true, --是否显示 "refToView" : "text_name" --触发svg里面的效果 }] --节点的定义 "type" : "node", "id" : "MailTask", "title" : "邮件任务",--标题

activiti modeler 任务节点自定义属性扩展

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-08-15 05:42:52
  在工作中使用Activiti modeler时难免会遇到局限,如usertask中的属性,完全不够用,这时需要我们去扩展。   activiti modeler通过读取stencilset.json生成编辑器UI,在界面上的扩展需要了解stencilset.json配置文件,它定义元素的属性,规则的配置文件,页面的展示就是根据这个配置文件生成的。 配置文件说明: --属性的定义 "propertyPackages" : [ { "name" : "process_idpackage", "properties" : [ { "id" : "name", ---id "type" : "String", --类型,在赋值的时候会根据类型展示各种输入框,根据properties.js "title" : "名称", --显示的标题 "value" : "", --值 "description" : "BPMN元素的描述性名称.", --描述 "category":"property", --分类,空的话位popular "popular" : true, --是否显示 "refToView" : "text_name" --触发svg里面的效果 }] --节点的定义 "type" : "node", "id" : "MailTask", "title" : "邮件任务",--标题

Hadoop 2.4.1 and Google Cloud Storage connector for Hadoop

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-15 06:51:07
问题 I am trying to run Oryx on top of Hadoop using Google's Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop: https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/google-cloud-storage-connector I prefer to use Hadoop 2.4.1 with Oryx, so I use the hadoop2_env.sh set-up for the hadoop cluster I create on google compute engine, e.g.: .bdutil -b <BUCKET_NAME> -n 2 --env_var_files hadoop2_env.sh \ --default_fs gs --prefix <PREFIX_NAME> deploy I face two main problems when I try to run oryx using hadoop. 1) Despite confirming that my