I have a media services account and want to stream AES protected Dash content. I want to use the token given by AAD for this purpose. In the key/License authorizarion policy in the Azure portal, I am supplying the following values:
Token issuer: The values of the issuer is different in the token ("iss" claim: https://sts.windows.net/TenantID/) and in the discovery endpoint (https://login.microsoftonline.com/TenantID/v2.0). I have tried both of them separately.
Token scope: Herein, I am supplying the value of the "aud" claim in the token
Primary verification key: Herein, I am supplying the value of the "x5c" in the keys retrieved from the keys discovery endpoint, corresponding to "kid" in the token.
But when I run the code, I am still not able to decrypt the video and getting a 401 in the response to the keydelivery endpoint request.
Am I missing something here ?
Got the solution. There is a claim (urn:microsoft:azure:mediaservices:contentkeyidentifier) required in the token. If this claim is not there, we might get 401 unauthorized. Can read more here
I'm not sure if this blog post is up to date, but did you already review this blog from George? http://gtrifonov.com/2015/01/03/jwt-token-authentication-in-azure-media-services-and-dynamic-encryption/
If that does not help, I can put you in touch with the AMP player team as well.