I am getting this error on VS Code and have no clue why it fails
[15:14:59.543] Log Level: 2
[15:14:59.555] remote-ssh@0.51.0
[15:14:59.555] win32 x64
[15:14:59.560] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+xx.xx.xx.xx", attempt 1
[15:14:59.561] SSH Resolver called for host: xx.xx.xx.xx
[15:14:59.561] Setting up SSH remote "xx.xx.xx.xx"
[15:14:59.621] Using commit id "0ba0ca52957102ca3527cf479571617f0de6ed50" and quality "stable" for server
[15:14:59.624] Install and start server if needed
[15:15:01.964] getPlatformForHost was canceled
[15:15:01.965] Resolver error: Connecting was canceled
[15:15:01.973] ------
In dialog box where you have typed user@host type/select Linux/Windows/etc. depends what you are using, then type/select Continue, then type password for remote session.
Add one key in your settings.json as below. Plase remember to replace the $remote_server_name to yours.
"remote.SSH.remotePlatform": {
"$remote_server_name": "linux"
Menu:File->Perference->Settings click to open settings.json