I'm trying to simulate what Lets Move does, that is, when the user runs the application he checks to see if the application is running from within the Applications folder if he is not, he displays an alert asking the user to copy the application for applications folder, if he clicks on the button "Move to Applications Folder" he moves the application but I can't relaunch the application from the new location. I would like to know how to do this, thanks in advance.
on moveMyApp()
set checkpath to ((path to "apps" as string) & "Lets Move")
set myApp to ((path to current application as text))
tell application "Finder"
if exists file checkpath then
tell current application
display alert "Move to Applications Folder?" buttons {"Not Move", "Move to Applications Folder"} default button 2
set response to button returned of the result
if response is "Move to Applications Folder" then
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of myApp & space & "/Applications"
end if
end tell
tell application "Lets Move" to quit
delay 2
end if
end tell
tell application "Lets Move" to activate
end moveMyApp
The Objective-C class you are adapting this from does a bunch of other things, such as getting authorization and clearing the quarantine flag, but you can just tell the app to terminate after launching an NSTask that waits a bit before relaunching the app. For example, the quit
and activate
statements can be replaced with a single call to a handler that performs the relaunch task:
on moveMyApp()
set checkpath to ((path to "apps" as string) & "Lets Move.app")
set myApp to ((path to current application as text))
tell application "Finder" to set moved to exists file checkpath
if not moved then
display alert "Move to Applications Folder?" buttons {"Do Not Move", "Move to Applications Folder"} default button 2
set response to button returned of the result
if response is "Move to Applications Folder" then
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of myApp & space & "/Applications"
end if
end if
end moveMyApp
on relaunch(appPath)
tell current application's NSTask's alloc()'s init()
its setLaunchPath:"/bin/sh"
its setArguments:{"-c", "sleep 1.0; open -a " & quoted form of "Lets Move"}
its |launch|()
end tell
tell current application's NSApp to terminate:me
end relaunch
Note that although I cleaned up your handler a little, no error handling is done (timing issues, failure to move the app, etc). Tested with Mojave and Xcode 10, moving the app to the user ~/Applications