is only applicable to links against SDK 4, is there an equivalent for iOS8?
The app that I am working on has to exit and leave no trace for the user resume from, as the app provides a pay for service, and it requires that the next person using it cannot resume from where the previous user may have left.
I tried things like exit/abort and the latter but all appear to leave a trace to resume from...
In the info.plist for your app click "+" to add a new entry and select "Application does not run in background", for the value select "YES".
When an iOS app moved to the background it takes a snap shot and displays this in the multitasker, you will want to make sure that this doesn't occur when the app is terminated as you may be displaying sensitive information. If this is the case then look in to ignoreSnapshotOnNextApplicationLaunch to prevent that snapshot image from being taken.