I am stuck in setting the server-side validation of the redux form. I have a registration form and performing a client-side validation perfectly, but while in server-side validation I am unable to understand how to display the error message from the server with a respective input field.
API request
const createMemberRegistration = user => {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: POST_REQUEST });
.then(user => {
dispatch({ type: REGISTRATION_SUCCESS });
.catch(err => {
dispatch({ type: REGISTRATION_ERROR,payload:err });
// submit button
submitSignup(values) {
var registerfields = JSON.stringify({
first_name: values.firstname.trim(),
last_name: values.lastname.trim(),
email: values.email.trim(),
password: values.password.trim()
if (registerfields) {
//binding with redux form
const reduxmemberregistration = reduxForm({
form: "memberregistration",
enableReinitialize: true
Asycn function
stuck here what to do and how to validate with respective field
const asyncValidate = (values, dispatch, props) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(values.email){ // i get the value from the form,so what to do here?
// so should i need to send request all the time to server for each
field for validation or what?
Let's say you have a object that represents the state of you form and there you have some error
property with same properties as fields on your form.
Let's say it looks like this
formState: {name : 'Test', error: {name: null} }
And you are rendering some error message under your inputs or decorating invalid input field with some class based on this formState.error.name
In this situation you may get response object from server that also bears some input specific information and store it in e.g. formState.serverError
error. So once data is fetched from backend you will post an action with this validation to Redux store, and if there are some errors, you will populate corresponding errors and will show appropriate error messages.
Condition for input field validity now will look like formState.error.name && formState.serverError.name