I am facing an issue where finder overlays sync icons are not shown.
Here is the code that I tried:
NSString* bundleID = @"com.my.myapp";
NSString* extBundleID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.finderoverlays", bundleID];
NSString* runCommand = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"pluginkit -e use -i %@", extBundleID];
NSLog(@"runcommand= %s", runCommand.UTF8String);
int result = system(runCommand.UTF8String);
NSLog(@"setting up finder overlays, returned = %d", result);
The result is always 0, but the extension is not shown on the SystemPreference's extension tab. When I run the project, directly using Xcode then the extension is shown in System Preferences.
What am I missing here?
Do I need to keep the appex
file somewhere at a specific location?