R: Error in UseMethod(“tbl_vars”)

别来无恙 提交于 2020-05-13 20:01:38


So I'm running the code below in R Studio and getting this error:

Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars") : no applicable method for 'tbl_vars' applied to an object of class "character"

I don't know how to fix it cause there is no tbl_vars function! Can someone help?

for (i in 1:ceiling(nrow(reviews)/batch)) {
    row_start <- i*batch-batch+1

    row_end <- ifelse(i*batch < nrow(reviews), i*batch, nrow(reviews))

    print(paste("Processing row", row_start, "to row", row_end))

    reviews[row_start:row_end, ] %>%
        unnest_tokens(word, text) -> reviews_subset

    reviews_subset$row <- 1:nrow(reviews_subset)

    reviews_subset %>%
        anti_join(stopwords) %>%
        arrange(row) -> reviews_subset

    write_feather(reviews_subset, path = paste0("reviews", i, ".txt"))

Ps: dplyr is installed. Also other installed packages: pacman, feather, data.table, devtools, tidyr, tidytext, tokenizers, tibble

I'm using it to work with Yelp dataset.

Thank you so much, Carmem

ps2: dataset example (edited and simplified to fit here):

> dput(as.data.frame(review))

structure(list(user_id = 1:10, review_id = 11:20, business_id = 21:30, 
    stars = c(2L, 2L, 5L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 4L), text = c("Are you the type of person that requires being seen in an expensive, overly pretentious restaurant so that you can wear it as a status symbol?  Or maybe you're a gansta who dresses like CiLo Green and wants to show the hunny's (yes, a group of them out with one man) a night on the town!", 
    "Today was my first visit to the new luna, and I was disappointed-- both because I really liked the old cafe luna, and because the new luna came well recommended", 
    "Stayed here a few months ago and still remember the great service I received.", 
    "I came here for a business lunch from NYC and had a VERY appetizing meal. ", 
    "Incredible food with great flavor. ", 
    "OMG, y'all, try the Apple Pie Moonshine.  It. Is. Seriously. Good.  Smoooooooth.   The best rum that I've sampled so far: Zaya.", 
    "Caitlin is an amazing stylist.  She took time to hear what I had to say before jumping in", 
    "Oh yeah! After some difficulties in securing dinner, my dad and I found ourselves at one of the billion Primanti's locations for a quick feast", 
    "I've been going to this studio since the beginning of January", 
    "The best cannoli, hands down!!"
    )), .Names = c("user_id", "review_id", "business_id", "stars", 
"text"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")


change anti_join(stopwords) to anti_join(stop_words). stopwords probably doesn't exist or isn't what you want it to be


There are several ways to resolve this error. As Szczepaniak points out, the root cause is attempting to pass a character vector into an operation that expects a data frame or tibble.

Option 1: convert the character vector to a data frame (or tibble), then use in anti_join. An example conversion:

        `stopwords <- tibble(joinColumn = stopwords)`  

Option 2: change the operation to accept a character vector. In this case we can use filter in place of anti_join as shown here:

         `reviews_subset <- reviews_subset %>%
              filter(!joinColumn %in% stopwords) %>%
              arrange(row) -> reviews_subset`



Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars") : no applicable method for 'tbl_vars'...

message is not being caused by a missing tbl_vars function. I ran into this exact same error when I mistakenly passed a vector to a dplyr join function instead of another dataframe. Here is a simple example of how to generate this error in R 3.5 using dplyr 0.7.5:

# Create a dataframe of sales by person and bike color
salesNames = c('Sally', 'Jim', 'Chris', 'Chris', 'Jim',
               'Sally', 'Jim', 'Sally', 'Chris', 'Sally')

salesDates = c('2018-06-01', '2018-06-05', '2018-06-10', '2018-06-15',
               '2018-06-20', '2018-06-25', '2018-06-30', '2018-07-09',
               '2018-07-12', '2018-07-14')

salesColor = c('red', 'red', 'red', 'green', 'red',
               'blue', 'green', 'green', 'green', 'blue')

df_sales = data.frame(Salesperson = salesNames,
                      SalesDate = as.Date(salesDates),
                      BikeColor = salesColor,
                      stringsAsFactors = F)

# Create another dataframe to join to
modelColor = c('red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'black')
modelPrice = c(279.95, 269.95, 264.95, 233.54, 255.27, 289.95)
modelCommission = modelPrice * 0.20

df_commissions = data.frame(ModelColor = modelColor,
                            ModelPrice = modelPrice,
                            Commission = modelCommission,
                            stringsAsFactors = F)

df_sales_comm = df_sales %>% left_join(df_commissions,
                                       by = c('BikeColor'= 'ModelColor'))

This works fine. Now try this:

df_comms = df_commissions$ModelColor  # vector instead of dataframe

df_sales_comm2 = df_sales %>% left_join(df_comms,
                                        by = c('BikeColor'= 'ModelColor'))

and you should see the exact same error you report because df_comms is not a dateframe. The problem you are having is that stopwords is a vector and not a dataframe (or a tibble).

