- UGUI图片沿X或Y翻转180°后会失去射线检测效果[2018.1]
原因: Canvas的GraphicRaycaster的`Ignore Reversed Graphics`选项决定反转的Graphic是否会被射线检测忽略
- Mask组件的Show Mask Graphic属性在Animation动画中改变后无效 [2018.2]
- Editor中RectTransform的锚点消失[2018.2].
Bug: 重启Editor没用,需要关闭Scene标签后重新打开.或者试试在[Window]—>[Layouts]中重新应用窗口布局
- Animator.Rebind()
Description 描述
Rebind all the animated properties and mesh data with the Animator.
This function can be used when you manually change your GameObject hierarchy by script, like combining meshes or swap a complete transform hierarchy.
- Animator is not playing an AnimatorController.
- Selectable 是先调用前一个的OnDeselect,然后再将Event System的SelectObject设为此物体,调用此物体OnSelect
// Event System
public void SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected, BaseEventData pointer)
if (this.m_SelectionGuard)
Debug.LogError((object) ("Attempting to select " + (object) selected + "while already selecting an object."));
this.m_SelectionGuard = true;
if ((UnityEngine.Object) selected == (UnityEngine.Object) this.m_CurrentSelected)
this.m_SelectionGuard = false;
ExecuteEvents.Execute<IDeselectHandler>(this.m_CurrentSelected, pointer, ExecuteEvents.deselectHandler);
this.m_CurrentSelected = selected;
ExecuteEvents.Execute<ISelectHandler>(this.m_CurrentSelected, pointer, ExecuteEvents.selectHandler);
this.m_SelectionGuard = false;
- 在Scence视图中选中Object之后,层级视图中被选中的物体没有被高亮[?].
- Ps中F8查看选中图层的大小,做UI动画的时候很方便.
- Android studio 默认SDK路径
- 脚本在Inspector中没有勾选框?
MonoBehaviour is the base class from which every Unity script derives. When you use C#, you must explicitly derive from MonoBehaviour. This class doesn't support the null-conditional operator (?.) and the null-coalescing operator (??). Note: There is a checkbox for disabling MonoBehaviour on the Unity Editor. It disables functions when unticked. If none of these functions are present in the script, the Editor does not display the checkbox. The functions are: Start() Update() FixedUpdate() LateUpdate() OnGUI() OnDisable() OnEnable()
Awake()和Start()的区别?(很有用,但容易被忽略) Generally the main difference is:
Awake: Here you setup the component you are on right now (the "this" object) Start: Here you setup things that depend on other components.
if you split it that way you can always be sure that the other object is ready to work with you as game objects in scenes on scene load are loaded in blocks:- All awake are executed
- All start are executed
- all go into update
OnApplicationPause(bool)与Application.IsPlaying( Unity执行顺序与OnApplicationPausse)
- 插件
- Mesh Baker 烘培
- NSpeex 语音
- PoolManager 对象池
- K - Key all animated. Adds an keyframe for all animated properties at the current position of the playback head in the animation window.
- Shift-K - Key all modified. Adds an keyframe for only those animated properties which have been modified at the current position of the playback head in the animation window.
- R - Ripple editing(波纹编辑).Press and hold the R key while dragging inside the Box Selection to perform a Ripple Move.Press and hold the R key while dragging a Box Selection handle to perform a Ripple Scale.
UnityEDior在调试时报错:Fatal error in gc: GetThreadContext failed”,有可能是杀毒或360软件引起的,关闭这些软件
如果在Dotween的OnComplete()中调用DoRewind(),那么这个Tween的将不会完成,如果在协程中Yield Tween.WaitForCompletion(),则永远不会走到下一步!!