I come here because I have an issue with my Jupiter's Python3 notebook. I need to create a function that uses the multiprocessing library. Before to implement it, I make some tests. I found a looooot of different examples but the issue is everytime the same : my code is executed but nothing happens in the notebook's interface :
The code i try to run on jupyter is this one :
import os
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process
def doubler(number):
A doubling function that can be used by a process
result = number * 2
proc_name = current_process().name
print('{0} doubled to {1} by: {2}'.format(
number, result, proc_name))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
procs = []
proc = Process(target=doubler, args=(5,))
for index, number in enumerate(numbers):
proc = Process(target=doubler, args=(number,))
proc2 = Process(target=doubler, args=(number,))
proc = Process(target=doubler, name='Test', args=(2,))
for proc in procs:
It's OK when I just run my code without Jupyter but with the command "python my_progrem.py" and I can see the logs :
Is there, for my example, and in Jupyter, a way to catch the results of my two tasks (proc1 and proc2 which both call thefunction "doubler") in a variable/object that I could use after ? If "yes", how can I do it?
Another way of running multiprocessing jobs in a Jupyter notebook is to use one of the approaches supported by the nbmultitask package.
I succeed by using multiprocessing.pool. I was inspired by this approach :
def test():
print('Creating pool with %d processes\n' % PROCESSES)
with multiprocessing.Pool(PROCESSES) as pool:
# Tests
TASKS = [(mul, (i, 7)) for i in range(10)] + \
[(plus, (i, 8)) for i in range(10)]
results = [pool.apply_async(calculate, t) for t in TASKS]
imap_it = pool.imap(calculatestar, TASKS)
imap_unordered_it = pool.imap_unordered(calculatestar, TASKS)
print('Ordered results using pool.apply_async():')
for r in results:
print('\t', r.get())
print('Ordered results using pool.imap():')
for x in imap_it:
print('\t', x)
...etc For more, the code is at : https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/multiprocessing.html?