/** * Main loop: sleep, generate event and publish. */ public void run() { Log.debug(getClass().getName() + ": starting..."); alive = true; while (alive) { try { Thread.sleep(getSleepTime()); // Stopped during sleep: end loop. if (!alive) { break; } // If passivated wait until we get // get notify()-ied. If there are no subscribers // it wasts CPU to remain producing events... synchronized (this) { while (!active) { Log.debug(getClass().getName() + ": waiting..."); wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } try { // Derived class should produce an event. Event event = pullEvent(); // Let the publisher push it to subscribers. Dispatcher.getInstance().multicast(event); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn("EventPullSource exception while multicasting ", t); t.printStackTrace(); } } Log.debug(getClass().getName() + ": stopped"); } }
第三个和第四个都有pushlet.srv,是不是很眼熟,这不就是我们前面web.xml配置的链接,这两个链接都是pushlet servlet管理了,第三个链接就是前台告诉pushlet我监控了什么事件了,第四链接是每次经过定时时间,都会发送这个链接,很明显这是用来接收后台的生产线程消息的。好到这里我们大体了解了流程,后台有一个随着我们项目启动就会启动的生产事件并广播事件的线程,前台会通国joinListen监听方法建立连接,监听事件,然后每隔一定时间就会发送一个refresh事件到后台,从而获得后台产生的消息。这也就是为什么我前面说pushlet表面是服务器推,但是实际上还是前台拉的原因。
_init: function () { PL._showStatus(); PL._setStatus('initializing...'); /* Setup Cross-Browser XMLHttpRequest v1.2 Emulate Gecko 'XMLHttpRequest()' functionality in IE and Opera. Opera requires the Sun Java Runtime Environment <http://www.java.com/>. by Andrew Gregory http://www.scss.com.au/family/andrew/webdesign/xmlhttprequest/ This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. */ // IE support if (window.ActiveXObject && !window.XMLHttpRequest) { window.XMLHttpRequest = function() { var msxmls = new Array( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); for (var i = 0; i < msxmls.length; i++) { try { return new ActiveXObject(msxmls[i]); } catch (e) { } } return null; }; } // ActiveXObject emulation if (!window.ActiveXObject && window.XMLHttpRequest) { window.ActiveXObject = function(type) { switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case 'microsoft.xmlhttp': case 'msxml2.xmlhttp': case 'msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0': case 'msxml2.xmlhttp.4.0': case 'msxml2.xmlhttp.5.0': return new XMLHttpRequest(); } return null; }; } PL.pushletURL = PL._getWebRoot() + 'pushlet.srv'; PL._setStatus('initialized'); PL.state = PL.STATE_READY; },
_getWebRoot: function() { /** Return directory of this relative to document URL. */ if (PL.webRoot != null) { return PL.webRoot; } //derive the baseDir value by looking for the script tag that loaded this file var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var nodes = head.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var src = nodes.item(i).src; if (src) { var index = src.indexOf("ajax-pushlet-client.js"); if (index >= 0) { index = src.indexOf("lib"); PL.webRoot = src.substring(0, index); break; } } } return PL.webRoot;
_getWebRoot: function() { /** Return directory of this relative to document URL. */ if (PL.webRoot != null) { return PL.webRoot; } //derive the baseDir value by looking for the script tag that loaded this file //获取当前网址,如: http://localhost:8080/PushletNote/index.jsp var webPath = window.document.location.href; //获取主机地址之后的目录,如: /PushletNote/index.jsp var pathName = window.document.location.pathname; //获取主机地址,如: http://localhost:8080 var hostPaht = webPath.substring(0,webPath.indexOf(pathName)); //获取带"/"的项目名,如:/Pushlet var projectName = pathName.substring(0,pathName.substr(1).indexOf('/')+1); PL.webRoot = hostPaht + projectName + "/"; return PL.webRoot; },
然后是执行PL.joinListen(),开始调用PL._doRequest('join-listen', query);发送请求。声明了是join-listen事件。
joinListen: function(aSubject) { PL._setStatus('join-listen ' + aSubject); // PL.join(); // PL.listen(aSubject); PL.sessionId = null; // Create event URI for listen var query = PL.NV_P_FORMAT + '&' + PL.NV_P_MODE; // Optional subject to subscribe to if (aSubject) { query = query + '&p_subject=' + aSubject; } PL._doRequest('join-listen', query); },
_doRequest: function(anEvent, aQuery) { // Check if we are not in any error state if (PL.state < 0) { PL._setStatus('died (' + PL.state + ')'); return; } // We may have (async) requests outstanding and thus // may have to wait for them to complete and change state. var waitForState = false; if (anEvent == 'join' || anEvent == 'join-listen') { // We can only join after initialization waitForState = (PL.state < PL.STATE_READY); } else if (anEvent == 'leave') { PL.state = PL.STATE_READY; } else if (anEvent == 'refresh') { // We must be in the listening state if (PL.state != PL.STATE_LISTENING) { return; } } else if (anEvent == 'listen') { // We must have joined before we can listen waitForState = (PL.state < PL.STATE_JOINED); } else if (anEvent == 'subscribe' || anEvent == 'unsubscribe') { // We must be listeing for subscription mgmnt waitForState = (PL.state < PL.STATE_LISTENING); } else { // All other requests require that we have at least joined waitForState = (PL.state < PL.STATE_JOINED); } // May have to wait for right state to issue request if (waitForState == true) { PL._setStatus(anEvent + ' , waiting... state=' + PL.state); setTimeout(function() { PL._doRequest(anEvent, aQuery); }, 100); return; } // ASSERTION: PL.state is OK for this request // Construct base URL for GET var url = PL.pushletURL + '?p_event=' + anEvent; // Optionally attach query string if (aQuery) { url = url + '&' + aQuery; } PL.debug('_doRequest', url); PL._getXML(url, PL._onResponse); // uncomment to use synchronous XmlHttpRequest //var rsp = PL._getXML(url); //PL._onResponse(rsp); */ },
_getXML: function(url, callback) { // Obtain XMLHttpRequest object var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (!xmlhttp || xmlhttp == null) { alert('No browser XMLHttpRequest (AJAX) support'); return; } // Setup optional async response handling via callback var cb = callback; var async = false; if (cb) { // Async mode async = true; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { // Processing statements go here... cb(xmlhttp.responseXML); // Avoid memory leaks in IE // 12.may.2007 thanks to Julio Santa Cruz xmlhttp = null; } else { var event = new PushletEvent(); event.put('p_event', 'error') event.put('p_reason', '[pushlet] problem retrieving XML data:\n' + xmlhttp.statusText); PL._onEvent(event); } } }; } // Open URL xmlhttp.open('GET', url, async); // Send XML to KW server xmlhttp.send(null); if (!cb) { if (xmlhttp.status != 200) { var event = new PushletEvent(); event.put('p_event', 'error') event.put('p_reason', '[pushlet] problem retrieving XML data:\n' + xmlhttp.statusText); PL._onEvent(event) return null; } // Sync mode (no callback) // alert(xmlhttp.responseText); return xmlhttp.responseXML; } },
_onResponse: function(xml) { PL.debug('_onResponse', xml); var events = PL._rsp2Events(xml); if (events == null) { PL._setStatus('null events') return; } delete xml; PL.debug('_onResponse eventCnt=', events.length); // Go through all <event/> elements for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { PL._onEvent(events[i]); } },
_onEvent: function (event) { // Create a PushletEvent object from the arguments passed in // push.arguments is event data coming from the Server PL.debug('_onEvent()', event.toString()); // Do action based on event type var eventType = event.getEvent(); if (eventType == 'data') { PL._setStatus('data'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onData); } else if (eventType == 'refresh') { if (PL.state < PL.STATE_LISTENING) { PL._setStatus('not refreshing state=' + PL.STATE_LISTENING); } var timeout = event.get('p_wait'); setTimeout(function () { PL._doRequest('refresh'); }, timeout); return; } else if (eventType == 'error') { PL.state = PL.STATE_ERROR; PL._setStatus('server error: ' + event.get('p_reason')); PL._doCallback(event, window.onError); } else if (eventType == 'join-ack') { PL.state = PL.STATE_JOINED; PL.sessionId = event.get('p_id'); PL._setStatus('connected'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onJoinAck); } else if (eventType == 'join-listen-ack') { PL.state = PL.STATE_LISTENING; PL.sessionId = event.get('p_id'); PL._setStatus('join-listen-ack'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onJoinListenAck); } else if (eventType == 'listen-ack') { PL.state = PL.STATE_LISTENING; PL._setStatus('listening'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onListenAck); } else if (eventType == 'hb') { PL._setStatus('heartbeat'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onHeartbeat); } else if (eventType == 'hb-ack') { PL._doCallback(event, window.onHeartbeatAck); } else if (eventType == 'leave-ack') { PL._setStatus('disconnected'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onLeaveAck); } else if (eventType == 'refresh-ack') { PL._doCallback(event, window.onRefreshAck); } else if (eventType == 'subscribe-ack') { PL._setStatus('subscribed to ' + event.get('p_subject')); PL._doCallback(event, window.onSubscribeAck); } else if (eventType == 'unsubscribe-ack') { PL._setStatus('unsubscribed'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onUnsubscribeAck); } else if (eventType == 'abort') { PL.state = PL.STATE_ERROR; PL._setStatus('abort'); PL._doCallback(event, window.onAbort); } else if (eventType.match(/nack$/)) { PL._setStatus('error response: ' + event.get('p_reason')); PL._doCallback(event, window.onNack); } },