
JMeter - Send Asynchronous requests dependent on timeout

感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-08 11:16:28
问题 I have a Test plan with several HTTP request I want to reach a certain TPS. Some request takes more than a few seconds, and I want to execute them in asynchronous way so I'll continue executing other request while waiting for response asynchronously (later to be checked) Better yet (general case), I would like to have a time limit of 3 seconds wait, and if 3 seconds past to continue to next request Is there a way to submit such scenario in JMeter? or other tool executing JMeter as Taurus or


故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-31 23:41:58
近日,正舵者科技推出了分布式存储IDC超级节点计划,携手Taurus Chain和Polar Chain等优质项目,共同打造分布式存储价值应用体系,为IPFS赋能实体经济更添一份助力。 正舵者科技打造的IDC超级节点,通过骨干网络带宽与Polar Chain项目融合,通过高速固态硬盘设备SSD与Taurus Chain项目融合,通过高性能机械硬盘HDD支持IPFS&Filecoin 项目,通过正舵者科技自主研发的Helmsman OS(分布式存储数据中心管理系统)进行高效管理和调度,真正实现了“一机同时多挖”的目标,为客户带来更大的效益。 正舵者分布式存储IDC超级节点的技术核心 超融合服务器 传统一机多挖系统只能在同一时间运行一种区块链项目,通过切换不同的项目以实现服务器收益提升,但此时服务器资源有效利用率并没有达到最大,那么是否能在同一时间在互不影响的情况下同时运行多个区块链项目以充分利用现有服务器资源?超融合服务器的概念首次由正舵者科技技术团队提出。 超融合服务器的核心技术来源于正舵者Helmsman OS(分布式存储数据中心管理系统),该系统具备分布式存储数据中心laas级管理能力,多节点远程管理能力和智能运维系统。最大的亮点是该系统具备多项目同时运维管理能力,为正舵者科技实现超融合技术提供了最核心的支撑,通过Helmsman OS强大的运维管理能力

What does it mean extractor children scope in Taurus?

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-28 19:52:49
问题 JMeter extractor in taurus have property scope (to check sub-samples) https://gettaurus.org/docs/JMeter/#Extractors scope: children Could you explain what does it mean in example? 回答1: When redirect is happening or if there are embedded resources JMeter generates so called "sub-samples" for them: if you want to apply your extractor to the main sample only - leave the scope empty if you want to apply your extractor to children only - set the scope to children if you want to apply your


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-08-15 02:46:38
作者|魏妮卡 编辑|李春晖 稻草熊影业赴港上市的消息,触发了行业久违的对影视“明星股”的关注与讨论。 2015年叱咤风云的“明星股”,随着2016年市场监管趋严、多起并购案被拒,以稻草熊为代表的一批明星公司A股梦碎。 四年过去,影视寒冬遇上疫情持续,各家都在资金链考验中自顾不暇,稻草熊竟能绕道港股继续上市梦。怎么说呢,让我们恭喜刘诗诗没有嫁错人? 始终走“贵人运”的稻草熊,自是当年一批迅速蹿红的影视公司中的幸运者。看看同一时期活跃的弄潮儿们: 嘉行传媒、唐德影视、海润影视等市值集体缩水;蒋雯丽家族的北京首映时代剩下空壳;张若昀父子的西安梦舟深陷债务危机,母公司梦舟在退市边缘。 还有不少当年因爆款剧一战成名的公司,它们在哪里呀,它们还开着吗? 跨界大佬,退市的退市、预警的预警 说稻草熊走“贵人运”,绝非硬糖君瞎恭维。虽被戏称“夫妻店”,但稻草熊背景神秘,与江苏渊源颇深。 注册于2014年的江苏稻草熊影业,是江苏省内唯一一家拥有电视剧制作甲种许可证的公司。稻草熊参与出品的《蜀山战纪》《不可能完成的任务》《国宝奇旅》等剧集都在江苏卫视播出。稻草熊的法人及大股东刘小枫出身江苏电视台,曾在凤凰传奇影业担任董事。 这就难怪稻草熊刚成立不久,便受到资本追捧。暴风集团拟以10. 8亿收购稻草熊60%股份被证监会否了后,阿里影业紧接着以2.25亿元购得稻草熊约15%的股份。 但随后一年中

Extract information from page after redirect in taurus

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-07-10 06:54:06
问题 I have a page /login after successful login we will be redirected to /files How do I extract an information from /files page? I use Jmeter as executor - url: '${host}/login' method: POST label: 'Login' headers: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: '1' Origin: 'null' Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9' extract-xpath: requesttoken: xpath: //head/@data

Extract information from page after redirect in taurus

二次信任 提交于 2020-07-10 06:51:07
问题 I have a page /login after successful login we will be redirected to /files How do I extract an information from /files page? I use Jmeter as executor - url: '${host}/login' method: POST label: 'Login' headers: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: '1' Origin: 'null' Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9' extract-xpath: requesttoken: xpath: //head/@data

Taurus.MVC 2.3.2 :WebAPI 文档集成测试功能及附加<%# JS执行功能语法 %>

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-05-08 15:29:32
前言: 前些天有网友提到了那个界面丑陋的SwaggerUI,让我想起了多年前实现的WebAPI文档未完成的功能点,于是,动手了,便有了本文的内容。 开源地址: https://github.com/cyq1162/Taurus.MVC 1、WebAPI 文档集成测试功能(增强说明) 开启WebAPI文档:web.config 或 appsettings.json 设置:"IsStartDoc": true 即可通过/doc访问自动生成的WebAPI文档 1、过滤掉无描述的接口。 文档自动生成的来源来自项目中的Xml文档注释 为了能更好的控制显示的结果,不带注释的类或方法(只收录public),不会被收录显示。 2、参数的显示与执行测试说明 自动和成的参数,来自以下方法的注释: /// <summary> /// 获取Token /// </summary> /// /// <param name="un" required="true" value="13488889999">用户名</param> /// <param name="pwd" type="header">密码</param> /// <param name="upload" type="file">图片上传</param> /// <returns>{success:true:msg:"tokenString...

Taurus is not taking the Jmeter Setting local path even after changing .bzt-rc file

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-03-03 07:27:29
问题 I want to use the existing Jmeter Version (4.0) to run my scripts using Taurus.But Taurus is downloading & taking the latest Jmeter version though i change Jmeter setting Path: in .bzt-rc file. Updated bzt-rc file to below: # JMeter settings #modules: jmeter: # properties: # JMeter properties for every JMeter run # prop_name: prop value # system-properties: # Java system properties # sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders: "true" # memory-xmx: 4G # allow JMeter to use up to 4G of memory path: C:

Taurus is not taking the Jmeter Setting local path even after changing .bzt-rc file

假如想象 提交于 2020-03-03 07:25:18
问题 I want to use the existing Jmeter Version (4.0) to run my scripts using Taurus.But Taurus is downloading & taking the latest Jmeter version though i change Jmeter setting Path: in .bzt-rc file. Updated bzt-rc file to below: # JMeter settings #modules: jmeter: # properties: # JMeter properties for every JMeter run # prop_name: prop value # system-properties: # Java system properties # sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders: "true" # memory-xmx: 4G # allow JMeter to use up to 4G of memory path: C:

Taurus: Attribute Error - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-25 07:15:11
问题 I keep getting an error which says: 11:50:51 ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' This is the code which i have written: --- execution: concurrency: 10 ramp-up: 1m hold-for: 2m scenario: script: PerformanceTestPlan.jmx concurrency: 10 ramp-up: 1m hold-for: 2m scenario: script: ProcessorTestPlan.jmx 回答1: I believe you should ask Taurus-related questions at Taurus Support Forum, discussion here is JMeter-oriented. In regards to your question, the syntax is not very