Capturing Powershell output in C# after Pipeline.Invoke throws

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-11-27 14:45:20

Not sure if this is helpful. I am guessing you are running V1. This V2 approach doesn't throw and prints the result:

Hello World
67 errors

string script = @"
  'Hello World'
  ps | % {
    $ | out-string1

PowerShell powerShell = PowerShell.Create();

var results = powerShell.Invoke();

foreach (var item in results)

if (powerShell.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
  Console.WriteLine("{0} errors", powerShell.Streams.Error.Count);

The solution I ended up using was to implement our own PSHost to handle PowerShell's output. The initial information for this came from in the "Building a custom PS host" section.

In my case it did require using a custom PSHostRawUserInterface as well.

Here's the quick overview of what was done. I've only listed the function I actually implimented, but there's many that are just contain throw new NotImplementedException();

private class myPSHost : PSHost
   (Same as what the above link mentions)
private class myPSHostUI : PSHostUserInterface
   private myPSHostRawUI rawui = new myPSHostRawUI();

   public override void Write // all variations
   public override PSHostRawUserInterface RawUI { get { return rawui; } }

private class myPSHostRawUI : PSHostRawUserInterface
   public override ConsoleColor ForegroundColor
   public override ConsoleColor BackgroundColor
   public override Size BufferSize

I have the same problem. The easiest way to get output when pipe.Invoke() throws an exception is to use Invoke(IEnumerable input, IList output)

Example shows how to get all output, error, waning etc. in the correct order

PowerShell script

Write-Output "Hello world" 
Write-Error "Some error"
Write-Warning "Some warning"
throw "Some exception"


List<string> RunLog = new List<string>(); 

using (System.Management.Automation.PowerShell psInstance = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create())


psInstance.Streams.Error.DataAdded += (sender, args) =>
    ErrorRecord err = ((PSDataCollection<ErrorRecord>)sender)[args.Index];
    RunLog.Add($"ERROR: {err}");

psInstance.Streams.Warning.DataAdded += (sender, args) =>
    WarningRecord warning = ((PSDataCollection<WarningRecord>)sender)[args.Index];
    RunLog.Add($"WARNING: {warning}");

... etc ...

var result = new PSDataCollection<PSObject>();
result.DataAdded += (sender, args) =>
    PSObject output = ((PSDataCollection<PSObject>)sender)[args.Index];
    RunLog.Add($"OUTPUT: {output}");

    psInstance.Invoke(null, result);
catch(Exception ex)
    RunLog.Add($"EXCEPTION: {ex.Message}");