tortoise svn giving me “Redirect cycle detected for URL 'domain/svn'”

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-11-27 14:23:48

The TortoiseSVN Repository Browser doesn't seem to support browsing of collection of repositories.

So if you have the repositories:


and the dav_svn.conf

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn
  SVNListParentPath on

You can browse them with a web browser pointing at http://server/svn.

With TortoiseSVN you must specify also the name of the repository, e.g.


I konw this is an old thread, however for the beneift of others that find it:

Just a guess, but does the url your browser give you have "viewvc" or some other part that is added in by the svn browser?

i.e. http://mysvn/viewvc/trunk/.....  

Tortoise won't check that out since it's not an actual svn url; your svn url is probably something like


On CentOS7, I removed the Alias directive and it works.

Christian Fries

I encountered the problem in a standard configuration and the reason was that I used the same directory as DocumentRoot for the webserver and as SVNPath in the websvn/davsvn config.

For details see also What is the cause of "svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detected for URL"?

Following @rdconsolo suggestion on Ubuntu 16.04, remove the Alias directive, works for me

#Alias /svn /var/lib/svn
<Location /svn>

DAV svn
SVNParentPath /var/lib/svn
SVNListParentPath On
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd
Require valid-user


The problem for me was that I had a .htaccess RewriteRule in my document root, asking to add a trailing / to every URL not having one.

Because of that, the SVN clients, trying to call URLs WITHOUT a trailing / such as "https://site/repos/project" got reidrected by apache to "https://site/repos/project/", so the SVN client tries to go to "https://site/repos/project" again, and so on.

SOLUTION: Do not have any rule that add a trailing / that could affect your SVN urls.

Pugazendhi Asaimuthu

Adding the:

SVNListParentPath on

line alone solved this issue for me.

I had the same problem but not for multiple repositories just tags,branches,etc within a repository. Removing the Alias tag in the conf file fixed this. I am running Centos 7 with SVN 1.8 and Tortoise 1.9.
