Can I detect whether Fragment is already created or called?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-25 09:03:07


Can I detect whether the Fragment I am going to call is already called or created so that I can reuse it instead of recreating it?


The fragments have isVisible() method .

                //your code.//

By this you can see if the fragment is already created or not.


Test if onCreateView has been called

public abstract class SubFragment extends Fragment
    protected boolean onCreateViewCalled = false;

    public boolean hasOnCreateViewBeenCalled()
        return onCreateViewCalled;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup Container, Bundle state){
        onCreateViewCalled = true;
        return null;

for more details please read here


You could use findFragmentByTag() :

Finds a fragment that was identified by the given tag either when inflated from XML or as supplied when added in a transaction. This first searches through fragments that are currently added to the manager's activity; if no such fragment is found, then all fragments currently on the back stack are searched.

So your code should look like this:

    val tag = "MyFragment"
    // add a tag to transaction
        .replace(, fragment, tag)

    // check if fragment exists by the given tag
    var instance = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag)
    if (fragment == null) {
        instance = MyFragment.newInstance()
    } else {
        // reuse fragment instance

