My modules all extend Backend controller which checks if loggedin and redirects appropriately, now I have Class FrontEnd [responsible for pages like login, signup etc] which extends My_Controller. how can I create an exemption for FrontEnd to be able to access the modules since it needs their methods to perform tasks.
this is what I have currently ....
class Backend_Controller extends MY_Controller {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function __construct() {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function checkLoggedIn() {
//check if loggedin
if (!$this->auth->loggedIn()) {
//implement exclusion for FrontEnd class to allow access to methods though not logged in
if (!the class trying to access == 'FrontEnd') { //how to get refferal page
} else {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
how can I get "the class trying to access == 'FrontEnd"
Edditional Info:
the FrontEnd class generates a form which has an
enter code here
action= router->fetch_class() will result in someMoudleName ,
but what i want is for it to be able to detect that the action is coming from FrontEnd Class
This will depend on your url but u can do something like this..
function getNameOfOriginatingClass{
$previous_url = $this->agent->referrer();
$url_segments = explode('/',$previous_url);
echo '<pre>';print_r($url_segments);
after printing this result u can see your link broken into parts in an array.. Normally the $url_segments[3] or $url_segments[4] will contain your previous function name and previous one will contain previous class name depending upon your url.