What's the difference between Git add (ctrl+A) and Stage to Commit (ctrl+T) in the git GUI?

你。 提交于 2020-01-24 09:36:25


If git add CTRL+A starts tracking changes AND stages changes to already tracked files, why should I ever use Stage to Commit CTRL+T in the git gui ?


Here's the answer to my question: CTRL+A in the GIT GUI is actually to ADD A NEW REMOTE and is not the same as GIT ADD ! In the GIT GUI, there does not seem to be any distinction between 'adding' and 'staging' , both are done by the 'stage to Commit' command: CTRL+T. And according to this: http://hoth.entp.com/2008/11/5/what-git-add-really-means , 'git stage' is an alias for 'git add'

Thanks aardvarkk for your answer. I suppose 'adding' can be considered the 'first staging' of a file, but really 'adding' means 'adding to the stage' or 'staging to commit'.

CTRL+T = 'stage to commit' in the GIT GUI = 'git add' at the command line
CTRL+A = add a new remote


Stage to Commit would be for a file that already has changes being tracked which you've since altered. You would generally only "add" a file once to begin tracking changes, and thereafter you would simply stage the file for commit that you've changed.


According to git documentation, they are synonyms. The command prepares the files for commit.

Example: git add app_controller.php

