Hello and thank you in advance.
I am creating a very complex Word document out of an Excelfile using VBA. It shall be possible to activate something and a text written in a cell shall be transfered to the word document. I got that already done. But if it is not activated the tag "<>" shall be removed, leaving nothing behind. This means that it shall remove not only the text, it shall remove the complete "line". As line might be a section i am not sure if just line is the correct word here.
Right now I find and replace them with "" using:
With WordDoc.Content.Find
.Execute FindText:=ReplacementTextF, ReplaceWith:="", Replace:=2
End With
but how can I delete the line/section, too?
As the replacement is optional, the user can select which text he wants in the document. Therfore, maybe ReplacementText4 is not needed. So I need to delete the "<< ReplacementText4 >>" and delete the bullet too. This is what I meant by deleting a line/section.
This appears as a question about Find/Replace but more correctly is a question about Find, then do something at the site of the found text. Its a common requirement when the replacement criteria isn't covered by the options of the find/Replace. The requirement is addressed by the pattern below..
With <Range>
With .Find
<setup find criteria for find>
.wrap = wdFindStop ' This is essential
End with
Do while .Find.Found
<do your actions here>
<use .duplicate if you want to do something with the found range
<e.g. to delete the paragraph with the found text
<move the found range to after the end of the found range>
.collapse direction:=wdcollapseend
.moveend unit:=wdCharacter, count:=1
.find.execute ' must include this to find next instance
End with <range>
Translating this pattern into code gives
Sub DeleteParasWithText(this_doc As Word.Document, this_find_text As String)
With this_doc.content
With .Find
.text = this_find_text
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchByte = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Do While .Find.Found
' In the OP case we just want to delete the paragraph
' containing the found text
.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
.Move unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End With
End Sub
In presenting this I'd also like to acknowledge @Macropod as I derived this pattern from a number of find/replace examples he has presented in the past.