123455 XXX 99999
123456 XX 100000
123457 XXX 100001
174564 XXXX 100002
184567 100003
194570 100004
204573 100005
214576 100006
224579 100007
I would like to write a macro for selecting a range using <ctrl> + <down arrow>
The process should be like this
- Select cell A1
- Select a Range with
<shift> + <ctrl> + <page down>
- Aelect cell A1 without cancelling the range selection (using
) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
- Then range select from C1 to C9 with
<shift> + <ctrl> + <page down>
then<shift> + <up arrow>
Following those steps in my example data, 224579 and 100007 are selected at same row, 100008 is not selected.
I want to select the range between A1 to A9 also C1 to C9, but I want the macro to do this without defining a range like A1 and A9, because the range will probably change like A1 will change to A5 after some alterations. So, I want the macro to adapt and grab the numbers accordingly.
This should work if A1 is the active cell.
Union(Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)), Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2), ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2))).Select
Not sure, but do you want this?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Static self_protect As Boolean
If self_protect Then Exit Sub
self_protect = True
Set Target = Target.Areas(1)
Application.Union(Target, Target.Offset(0, 2)).Select
self_protect = False
End Sub
Paste the code into a worksheet code module and select a range on the sheet.