AssetRegistry.get function is not returning the complete object in Hyperledger Composer

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-16 21:57:16


It is an inheritance, Record has a reference of SampleAsset and SampletAsset has a reference of SampleParticipant.
In transaction I am sending record object and when i am printing it on console It is showing complete information of Sample asset and complete information of SampleParticipant,
while I am trying to fetch it using get method it is not returning the complete information of the objects. Please check the screenshot: Record Object getObject
SampleParticipant(owner) reference is not there.

Please check the below chain code:


asset SampleAsset identified by assetId {
  o String assetId
  --> SampleParticipant owner

asset Record identified by recordId {
  o String recordId
  --> SampleAsset asset

participant SampleParticipant identified by participantId {
  o String participantId
  o Double balance

transaction getRecord {
  --> Record record

Transaction Function:

async function get(getTx) {
  const record = getTx.record;

  let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('');

  let recordFromReg = await assetRegistry.get(record.$identifier);


When a transaction function is called the 'relationships' are all 'resolved' automatically as explained here.

When you retrieve an Asset you have to 'resolve' the relationship yourself. Ideally there would be a '.resolve' method that would do it for you, but as this issue points out it is not present in the runtime API.

When/if you write any code using the JavaScript API you will find that there is a resolve method.

