Query SQL Server from SPSS how to connect

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-16 09:35:50


I am at a total loss on how to do what I think is a fairly simple and standard task:

I am running SPSS 20 on Mac and want to connect to a SQL Server database on a remote server.

When going to File -> Open Database -> New Query (The command names may be a bit off, my SPSS is in German and I'm just translating) it only shows myodbc as data source. I assume I have to add a driver for SQL Server however I don´t really know where to get it or how to install it as I cannot find it in the SPSS installation at hand. Anyone can help me out?

Thanks a lot in advance!


The Data Access Pack is available with your Statistics installation (may be a separate download), and it contains drivers for most major data sources.


It looks like IBM doesn't include (or make!) the drivers for Mac installations. Check it out:

  • http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21480987

You have to buy them separately. For example:

  • http://www.actualtech.com/download.php

