
How do I export a Gridview Control to Excel in DotNetNuke?

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-06 15:01:31
问题 Is there an alternative to using this since using a <form runat="server"> will cause a 500 error. public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control) { /* Verifies that the control is rendered */ } EDITED With the assistance from @HansDerks I ended up using the following(a jazzed up version of the solution provided.): protected void Export_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(writer);

Executing an .exe in a DNN Module

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-24 02:05:32
问题 I'm trying to get my DNN module (6.1.3) to start up any kind of executable when a certain condition happens in my program. At this time I'm just trying to have it run Notepad and create a text file. Here's what I'm trying at the moment: ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Windows\notepad.exe"); pi.Arguments = "> test.txt"; pi.Verb = "runas"; pi.CreateNoWindow = false; pi.ErrorDialog = true; pi.RedirectStandardError = true; pi.RedirectStandardInput = true; pi.RedirectStandardOutput

Does DotNetNuke 6 support Ajax Control Toolkit?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-10 04:17:30
问题 Does anybody have successfully working module in DNN 6 with the Ajax Control Toolkit? My modules stopped working when we migrated from DNN 5.x to to 6.x. Modules compile without errors but I am getting client side script error: 'AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll' Seems like this is conflict with Telerik's controls