Rscript does not recognize setGeneric function

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-14 13:46:07


I am trying to convert an R script into something that a client can run in batch mode. My code uses generic functions and one snippet which is near the beginning goes like:

setGeneric("testInput", function(inputData, params = list())

I've been using R CMD BATCH and it works fine. However I couldn't find an easy way to make my script print the output on the console, so based on that (and suggestion that Rscript.exe is the "proper" way to run R batch files) I decided to switch to Rscript. However when running the very same .R file with Rscript I get the following:

Error: could not find function "setGeneric"
Execution halted

I know there is probably a trivial reason behind this but I just cannot figure it out. Can someone please point me to where the mistake is?
Any suggestions?


setGeneric is part of the methods package which is usually loaded when you start R in an interactive session but not in non interactive session using Rscript or littler.

So you need to add a require(methods) before calling setGeneric in your script.

For example, this code will not work

Rscript -e "setGeneric('mean', function(x) standardGeneric('mean'))"
Error: could not find function "setGeneric"
Execution halted

But this one will work

Rscript -e "require(methods);setGeneric('mean', function(x) standardGeneric('mean'))"
Loading required package: methods
[1] "mean"

