Question is a follow up to Powershell find common string in multiple files
Following PowerShell code
goes through a directory
for each file, extract IP addresses and store in multi-dimensional array
- after iteration, go through each element in the multi-dimensional array and split by space, and store into another multi-dimensional array
I am able to find the intersection between $j[0]
and $j[1]
, but I'm not sure how to do this iteratively, over all the elements of $j
, the array of IP address arrays.
See code
$i = $NULL
$match = @()
$j = @()
$input_path = $NULL
$output_file = "D:\Script\COMMON.TXT"
$directory = "D:\Script\Files"
$regex = ‘\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b’
Get-ChildItem $directory | ForEach-Object{
$input_path = $directory + "\" + $_.Name
write-host $input_path
$match += ,@(select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value })
foreach ($i in $match){
$j += ,@($i.split(" "))
$j[0] | sort | select -Unique | where {$j[1] -contains $_} | select -Unique > $output_file
This is easy. You say you have two-dimensional array $j
and want to find all strings that exist in all elements of $j
. You create a temporary "total intersection" array out of $j[0]
then run foreach on $j
and create an intersection into that temporary. At the end it'll only contain those elements that all of the columns contain.
# $j is two-dimensional, and has unique elements
$j | % {
$i=$_ #rename to avoid confusion
if ($i -ne $j[0]) { $t = $t|where {$i -contains $_}}
# $t now has your intersection