{{numPages}} not being calculated by pagination directive

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-13 19:31:08


I was under the impression with the pagination directive that the {{numPages}} value would be calculated by the directive. It isn't returning anything for me.

Is there anything I am missing to get this working properly? I don't want to have to calculate it, if the directive is supposed to be doing this for me. Otherwise paging is working great.

            boundary-links="true" rotate="false">
    <table class="table table-striped">         
            <td     style="width:150px;">GPT ID</td>
            <td     style="width:250px;">Therapy Area</td>
            <td     style="width:450px;">GPT Description</td>           
            <td     style="width:150px;">Actions</td>           
        <tr ng-repeat="prGpt in prGpts | orderBy:['therapyArea.therapyArea','gptDesc'] | startFrom:(currentPage -1) * itemsPerPage | limitTo: itemsPerPage">        
                <span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode">{{prGpt.therapyArea.therapyArea}}</span>                  
                <span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode">
                    <select class="form-control" style="width:150px;" ng-model="selectedGpt.therapyArea" ng-options="item as item.therapyArea for item in therapyAreas"/>
                <span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode">{{prGpt.gptDesc}}</span>
                <span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode"><input class="form-control" type="text" style="width:400px;" ng-model="selectedGpt.gptDesc" /></span>
                <span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="copySelectedGpt(prGpt);beginEditGpt()"/>
                <span ng-if="prGpt.editMode  && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk" ng-click="saveEditGpt()"/>
                <span ng-if="prGpt.editMode  && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down" ng-click="cancelEditGpt()"/>
                <span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode  && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle" ng-click="copySelectedGpt(prGpt);openDeleteDialog()"/>
                <span><a ng-href="#!pr/gptProjects/{{prGpt.id}}">Edit Projects</a>                  
       <pre>Page: {{currentPage}} / {{numPages}}</pre>


 // GPT List Controller  
     .controller('prGPTCtrl',['$scope', '$modal', '$dialog', 'Restangular', 'prTAService', 'prGPTService', function($scope, $modal, $dialog, Restangular, prTAService, prGPTService) {

          // window.alert('prGPTCtrl');
            $scope.prGpts = {};
            $scope.therapyAreas = {};
            $scope.createMode = false;
            $scope.selectedGpt = {};
            $scope.newGpt = {};

            // pagination
            $scope.currentPage = 1;
            $scope.itemsPerPage = 10;
            $scope.maxSize = 20;
            $scope.totalItems = $scope.prGpts.length;           


            //call the TA service to get the TA list for the drop down lists
            //and then get the gpt list once successful
            prTAService.getTAs().then(function(tas) {
                $scope.therapyAreas = tas;
                prGPTService.getGPTs().then(function(gpts) {
                    $scope.prGpts = gpts;

            $scope.$watch('prGpts.length', function(){              
                $scope.totalItems = $scope.prGpts.length;

             * Take a copy of the selected GPT to copy in
            $scope.copySelectedGpt = function(prGpt) {
                $scope.selectedGpt = Restangular.copy(prGpt);

            $scope.beginEditGpt = function() {
                var gpt = {};
                var ta = {};

                var gpt;
                for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
                    gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
                    gpt.editMode = false;

                var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
                    return b.id === $scope.selectedGpt.id;

                gpt = $scope.prGpts[index];
                gpt.editMode = true;

                var taIndex = _.findIndex($scope.therapyAreas, function(b) {
                    return b.id === $scope.selectedGpt.therapyArea.id;

                ta = $scope.therapyAreas[taIndex];

                $scope.selectedGpt.therapyArea = ta;

                $scope.createMode = false;


            $scope.cancelEditGpt = function() {
                var gpt;
                for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
                    gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
                    gpt.editMode = false;

                var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
                    return b.id === $scope.selectedGpt.id;

                $scope.selectedGpt = null;
                $scope.prGpts[index].editMode = false;  

            $scope.saveEditGpt = function() {
                $scope.selectedGpt.save().then(function (gpt) {
                    // find the index in the array which corresponds to the current copy being edited
                    var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
                        return b.id === $scope.selectedGpt.id;

                    $scope.prGpts[index] = $scope.selectedGpt;
                    $scope.prGpts[index].editMode = false;  
                    $scope.selectedGpt = null;

                function(err) {
                    window.alert('Error occured: ' + err);

            // create a new GPT
            $scope.createGpt = function() {
                $scope.createMode = true;
                var gpt;
                for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
                    gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
                    gpt.editMode = false;

            $scope.saveNewGpt  = function() {
                Restangular.all('/gpt/gpts').post($scope.newGpt).then(function(gpt) {
                     $scope.newGpt = {};
                     $scope.createMode = false;
                    // window.alert('created new GPT ' + gpt.gptDesc + ' with id ' + gpt.id);

            $scope.openDeleteDialog = function() {
                var title = "Please confirm deletion of GPT " + $scope.selectedGpt.gptDesc;
                var msg = "<b>Delete GPT? Please confirm...</b>";
                var btns = [{result:'CANCEL', label: 'Cancel'},
                            {result:'OK', label: 'OK', cssClass: 'btn-primary'}];

                $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns, function(result) {
                      if (result === 'OK') {

            $scope.deleteGpt = function()  {
                $scope.selectedGpt.remove().then(function() {
                    $scope.prGpts = _.without($scope.prGpts, _.findWhere($scope.prGpts, {id: $scope.selectedGpt.id}));
                    $scope.selectedGpt = null;
                function() {
                    window.alert("There was an issue trying to delete GPT " + $scope.selectedGpt.gptDesc);


I have a startFrom filter.

.filter('startFrom', function () {
            return function (input, start) {

                if (input === undefined || input === null || input.length === 0
                 || start === undefined || start === null || start.length === 0 || start === NaN) return [];
                start = +start; //parse to int

                try {
                    var result = input.slice(start);
                    return result;

                } catch (e) {

                //    alert(input);




Looks like you're just missing num-pages="numPages" on your <pagination> tag. Essentially you have to provide a variable to pagination in which to return the number of pages. This is done via num-pages

            num-pages="numPages" <!-- Add this here -->
            boundary-links="true" rotate="false">

