How to Authenticate with Alexa Voice Service from Android?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-13 10:09:20


I am trying to connect to Alexa Voice Service from and Android app following the directions on this page.

Bundle options = new Bundle();
String scope_data = "{\"alexa:all\":{\"productID\":\"" + PRODUCT_ID +
                    "\", \"productInstanceAttributes\":           {\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"" + PRODUCT_DSN + "\"}}}";
options.putString(AuthzConstants.BUNDLE_KEY.SCOPE_DATA.val, scope_data);
options.putBoolean(AuthzConstants.BUNDLE_KEY.GET_AUTH_CODE.val, true);
options.putString(AuthzConstants.BUNDLE_KEY.CODE_CHALLENGE.val, CODE_CHALLENGE);
options.putString(AuthzConstants.BUNDLE_KEY.CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD.val, "S256");
mAuthManager.authorize(APP_SCOPES, options, new AuthorizeListener());

First, I don't know what APP_SCOPES should be. I set it to:

protected static final String[] APP_SCOPE = new String[]{"profile", "postal_code"};

but I get an error from the server

AuthError cat= INTERNAL type=ERROR_SERVER_REPSONSE - Error=invalid_scope error_description=An unknown scope was requested


The APP_SCOPE is : "alexa:all"

The PRODUCT_DSN can be anything you want, "1234" as per suggestion from Joshua Frank (

The PRODUCT_ID is the ID in the AVS Developper Portal (

The CODE_CHALLENGE the Client Secret in the Security Profile of your application (should be already hashed in S256)


The problem is not with the APP_SCOPES variable, it is actually with the PRODUCT_ID, PRODUCT_DSN variables passed in the scope data.

I faced this exact same issue and have raised a query in amazon developers forum on what needs to be passed in those variables - Alexa authentication issue using beta SDK

Once the PRODUCT_ID, PRODUCT_DSN & CODE_CHALLENGE variables are determined then the authentication should be pretty much straight forward.


The APP_SCOPE should be "alexa:all"

