I have a combo box in Silverlight. It has a collection of values built out of the properties of one of my LINQ-to-SQL objects (ie Name, Address, Age, etc...). I would like to filter my results based off the value selected in a combo box.
Example: Say I want everyone with a last name "Smith". I'd select 'Last Name' from the drop down list and enter smith into a textbox control. Normally I would write a LINQ query similar to...
var query = from p in collection
where p.LastName == textbox.Text
select p;
Is it possible to decide the property dynamically, maybe using Reflection? Something like
var query = from p in collection
where p.(DropDownValue) == textbox.Text
select p;
public class Person
public string LastName { get; set; }
IQueryable<Person> collection;
your query:
var query =
from p in collection
where p.LastName == textBox.Text
select p;
means the same as:
var query = collection.Where(p => p.LastName == textBox.Text);
which the compiler translates from an extension method to:
var query = Queryable.Where(collection, p => p.LastName == textBox.Text);
The second parameter of Queryable.Where
is an Expression<Func<Person, bool>>
. The compiler understands the Expression<>
type and generates code to build an expression tree representing the lambda:
using System.Linq.Expressions;
var query = Queryable.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<Person, bool>>(
Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p"),
Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p"));
That is what the query syntax means.
You are free to call these methods yourself. To change the compared property, replace this:
Scott Guthrie has a short series on dyamically built LINQ to SQL queries:
That's the easy way...then there's another way that's a bit more involved:
You can also use the library I created: http://tomasp.net/blog/dynamic-linq-queries.aspx. You would store the properties in ComboBox as lambda expressions and then just write:
var f = (Expression<Func<Product, string>>)comboBox.SelectedValue;
var query =
from p in collection
where f.Expand(textBox.Text)
select p;