C# 图片自由变换 任意扭曲

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-13 04:08:46





  首先是从原本图片转化成一幅理想化的目标图片,那幅图片只是理想化的,最终的图片是最右边的那幅。转换的过程就是根据转换后图片的四个角计算出目标图片的size,生成一个矩阵,就是那个Destination Image,然后把理想化的目标图片覆盖过去,把理想化图片的每个“像素格”(已经不是真正的像素格了,因为经过了扭曲变形)跟那个矩阵对比,看看覆盖了哪些格子,覆盖的面积有多少,按百分比地把颜色累加到对应的格子上。实际上那个格子就相当于新图片的像素点了。按照矩阵生成最终的目标图。



 1         public void CreateTransform(Bitmap src,ref Bitmap dst, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
 2         {
 3             int right = 0, bottom = 0;
 5             //主要是根据新图片的坐标,计算出图片的宽和高,构造目标图片的Bitmap的
 6             double offx = xcorner[0];
 7             double offy = ycorner[0];
 8             for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
 9             {
10                 if (xcorner[i] < offx) offx = xcorner[i];
11                 if (ycorner[i] < offy) offy = ycorner[i];
12             }
14             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
15             {
16                 xcorner[i] -= offx;
17                 ycorner[i] -= offy;
18                 if (roundup(xcorner[i]) > right) right = roundup(xcorner[i]);
19                 if (roundup(ycorner[i]) > bottom) bottom = roundup(ycorner[i]);
20             }
21             dst = new Bitmap(right, bottom);
22             Transform(src, dst, xcorner, ycorner, null);
23         }


 1         private void Transform(Bitmap src,Bitmap dst, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
 2         {
 3             //Make sure the coordinates are valid
 4             if (xcorner.Count != 4 || ycorner.Count != 4)
 5                 return ;
 7             //Load the src bitmaps information
 9             //create the intial arrays
10             //根据原图片生成一个比原图宽高多一个单位的图片,
11             //这个矩阵就是用来记录转换后各个像素点左上角的坐标
12             pixelgrid = new AafPnt[(src.Width + 1) * (src.Height + 1)];
13             polyoverlap = new AafPnt[16];
14             polysorted = new AafPnt[16];
15             corners = new AafPnt[4];
17             //Load the corners array
18             double[] dx = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
19             double[] dy = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
20             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
21             {
22                 corners[i].x = dx[i];
23                 corners[i].y = dy[i];
24             }
26             //Find the rectangle of dst to draw to
27             outstartx = rounddown(xcorner[0]);
28             outstarty = rounddown(ycorner[0]);
29             outwidth = 0;
30             outheight = 0;
31             //这里计算出变换后起始点的坐标
32             for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
33             {
34                 if (rounddown(xcorner[i]) < outstartx) outstartx = rounddown(xcorner[i]);
35                 if (rounddown(ycorner[i]) < outstarty) outstarty = rounddown(ycorner[i]);
36             }
37             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
38             {
39                 if (roundup(xcorner[i] - outstartx) > outwidth) outwidth = roundup(xcorner[i] - outstartx);
40                 if (roundup(ycorner[i] - outstarty) > outheight) outheight = roundup(ycorner[i] - outstarty);
41             }
44             //fill out pixelgrid array
45             //计算出理想目标图片中各个“像素格”中的左上角的坐标
46             if (CreateGrid(src, xcorner, ycorner))
47             {
48                 //Do the transformation
49                 //进行转换
50                DoTransform(src,dst, callbackfunc);
51             }
53             //Return if the function completed properly
54             return ;
55         }


 1         private bool CreateGrid(Bitmap src, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner)
 2         {
 3             //mmm geometry
 4             double[] sideradius = new double[4];
 5             double[] sidecos = new double[4];
 6             double[] sidesin = new double[4];
 8             //First we find the radius, cos, and sin of each side of the polygon created by xcorner and ycorner
 9             int j;
10             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
11             {
12                 j = ja[i];
13                 sideradius[i] = Math.Sqrt((xcorner[i] - xcorner[j]) * (xcorner[i] - xcorner[j]) + (ycorner[i] - ycorner[j]) * (ycorner[i] - ycorner[j]));
14                 sidecos[i] = (xcorner[j] - xcorner[i]) / sideradius[i];
15                 sidesin[i] = (ycorner[j] - ycorner[i]) / sideradius[i];
16             }
18             //Next we create two lines in Ax + By = C form
19             for (int x = 0; x < src.Width + 1; x++)
20             {
21                 double topdist = ((double)x / (src.Width)) * sideradius[0];
22                 double ptxtop = xcorner[0] + topdist * sidecos[0];
23                 double ptytop = ycorner[0] + topdist * sidesin[0];
25                 double botdist = (1.0 - (double)x / (src.Width)) * sideradius[2];
26                 double ptxbot = xcorner[2] + botdist * sidecos[2];
27                 double ptybot = ycorner[2] + botdist * sidesin[2];
29                 double Ah = ptybot - ptytop;
30                 double Bh = ptxtop - ptxbot;
31                 double Ch = Ah * ptxtop + Bh * ptytop;//叉乘
33                 for (int y = 0; y < src.Height + 1; y++)
34                 {
35                     double leftdist = (1.0 - (double)y / (src.Height)) * sideradius[3];
36                     double ptxleft = xcorner[3] + leftdist * sidecos[3];
37                     double ptyleft = ycorner[3] + leftdist * sidesin[3];
39                     double rightdist = ((double)y / (src.Height)) * sideradius[1];
40                     double ptxright = xcorner[1] + rightdist * sidecos[1];
41                     double ptyright = ycorner[1] + rightdist * sidesin[1];
43                     double Av = ptyright - ptyleft;
44                     double Bv = ptxleft - ptxright;
45                     double Cv = Av * ptxleft + Bv * ptyleft;
47                     //Find where the lines intersect and store that point in the pixelgrid array
48                     double det = Ah * Bv - Av * Bh;
49                     if (AafAbs(det) < 1e-9)
50                     {
51                         return false;
52                     }
53                     else
54                     {
55                         int ind = x + y * (src.Width + 1);
56                         pixelgrid[ind].x = (Bv * Ch - Bh * Cv) / det;
57                         pixelgrid[ind].y = (Ah * Cv - Av * Ch) / det;
58                     }
59                 }
60             }
62             //Yayy we didn't fail
63             return true;
64         }


  1         private void DoTransform(Bitmap src,Bitmap dst, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
  2         {
  4             //Get source bitmap's information
  5             if (src == null) return ;
  7             //Create the source dib array and the dstdib array
  8             aaf_dblrgbquad[] dbldstdib = new aaf_dblrgbquad[outwidth * outheight];
  9             for (int i = 0; i < dbldstdib.Length; i++)
 10                 dbldstdib[i] = new aaf_dblrgbquad();
 12             //Create polygon arrays
 13             AafPnt[] p = new AafPnt[4];
 14             AafPnt[] poffset = new AafPnt[4];
 16             //Loop through the source's pixels
 17             //遍历原图(实质上是pixelgrid)各个点
 18             for (int x = 0; x < src.Width; x++)
 19             {
 20                 for (int y = 0; y < src.Height; y++)
 21                 {
 22                     //取当前点 下一点 右一点 斜右下角点 四点才组成一个四边形
 23                     //这个四边形是原图像的一个像素点
 24                     //Construct the source pixel's rotated polygon from pixelgrid
 25                     p[0] = pixelgrid[x + y * (src.Width + 1)];
 26                     p[1] = pixelgrid[(x + 1) + y * (src.Width + 1)];
 27                     p[2] = pixelgrid[(x + 1) + (y + 1) * (src.Width + 1)];
 28                     p[3] = pixelgrid[x + (y + 1) * (src.Width + 1)];
 30                     //Find the scan area on the destination's pixels
 31                     int mindx = int.MaxValue;
 32                     int mindy = int.MaxValue;
 33                     int maxdx = int.MinValue;
 34                     int maxdy = int.MinValue;
 35                     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 36                     {
 37                         if (rounddown(p[i].x) < mindx) mindx = rounddown(p[i].x);
 38                         if (roundup(p[i].x) > maxdx) maxdx = roundup(p[i].x);
 39                         if (rounddown(p[i].y) < mindy) mindy = rounddown(p[i].y);
 40                         if (roundup(p[i].y) > maxdy) maxdy = roundup(p[i].y);
 41                     }
 43                     int SrcIndex = x + y * src.Width;
 44                     //遍历四边形包含了目标图几个像素点
 45                     //按照相交面积占整个像素的的百分比,把颜色按照该比例存放一个目标像素点颜色的数组中
 46                     //这里计算出来的颜色只是初步颜色,还没到最终结果
 47                     //loop through the scan area to find where source(x, y) overlaps with the destination pixels
 48                     for (int xx = mindx - 1; xx <= maxdx; xx++)
 49                     {
 50                         if (xx < 0 || xx >= dst.Width)
 51                             continue;
 52                         for (int yy = mindy - 1; yy <= maxdy; yy++)
 53                         {
 54                             if (yy < 0 || yy >= dst.Height)
 55                                 continue;
 57                             //offset p and by (xx,yy) and put that into poffset
 58                             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 59                             {
 60                                 poffset[i].x = p[i].x - xx;
 61                                 poffset[i].y = p[i].y - yy;
 62                             }
 64                             //FIND THE OVERLAP *a whole lot of code pays off here*
 65                             //这里则是计算出覆盖了面积占当前像素的百分比
 66                             double dbloverlap = PixOverlap(poffset);
 67                             //按照百分比来为目标像素点累加颜色
 68                             //因为一个目标像素点有可能有几个原来像素的覆盖了
 69                             if (dbloverlap > 0)
 70                             {
 71                                 int dstindex = xx + yy * outwidth;
 72                                 int srcWidth = src.Width;
 73                                 Color srcColor;
 74                                 if (SrcIndex == 0)
 75                                     srcColor = src.GetPixel(0, 0);
 76                                 else
 77                                  srcColor = src.GetPixel(SrcIndex%src.Width  ,  SrcIndex/src.Width );
 78                                 //Add the rgb and alpha values in proportion to the overlap area
 79                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Red += (double)((srcColor.R) * dbloverlap);
 80                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Blue += (double)(srcColor.B) * dbloverlap;
 81                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Green += (double)(srcColor.G) * dbloverlap;
 82                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Alpha += dbloverlap;
 83                             }
 84                         }
 85                     }
 86                 }
 87                 if (callbackfunc != null)
 88                 {
 89                     //Send the callback message
 90                     double percentdone = (double)(x + 1) / (double)(src.Width);
 91                     if (callbackfunc(percentdone))
 92                     {
 93                         dbldstdib = null;
 94                         p = null;
 95                         poffset = null;
 96                         return ;
 97                     }
 98                 }
 99             }
101             //Free memory no longer needed
104             //Create final destination bits
105             RGBQUDA[] dstdib = new RGBQUDA[dst.Width * dst.Height];
106             for (int i = 0; i < dstdib.Length; i++)
107                 dstdib[i] = new RGBQUDA(){R= 0,G= 0,B= 0};
109             //这里是实际上真正像素点的颜色,并且填到了目标图片中去
110             //Write to dstdib with the information stored in dbldstdib
111             for (int x = 0; x < outwidth; x++)
112             {
113                 if (x + outstartx >= dst.Width)
114                     continue;
115                 for (int y = 0; y < outheight; y++)
116                 {
117                     if (y + outstarty >= dst.Height)
118                         continue;
119                     int offindex = x + y * outwidth;
120                     int dstindex = x + outstartx + (y + outstarty) * dst.Width;
122                     int dstIndexX = dstindex / dst.Width;
123                     int dstIndexY = dstindex % dst.Width;
124                     if (dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha > 1)
125                     {
126                         //handles wrap around for non-convex transformations
127                         dstdib[dstindex].R = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Red / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
128                         dstdib[dstindex].G = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Green / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
129                         dstdib[dstindex].B = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Blue / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
130                     }
131                     else
132                     {
133                         //Color dstColor = dst.GetPixel(dstIndexX, dstIndexY);
134                         dstdib[dstindex].R = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Red + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].R);
135                         dstdib[dstindex].G = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Green + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].G);
136                         dstdib[dstindex].B = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Blue + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].B);
137                     }
138                     dst.SetPixel(dstIndexY,dstIndexX , Color.FromArgb(dstdib[dstindex].R, dstdib[dstindex].G, dstdib[dstindex].B));
139                 }
140             }
142             //:D
143             return ;
144         }



  1     public delegate bool Aaf_callback(double paraDouble);
  3     struct AafPnt
  4     {
  5         public double x, y;
  6         public AafPnt(double x, double y)
  7         {
  8             this.x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
  9             this.y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
 10         }
 11     }
 13     class aaf_dblrgbquad
 14     {
 15         public double Red{get;set;}
 16         public double Green{get;set;}
 17         public double  Blue{get;set;}
 18         public double Alpha { get; set; }
 19     }
 21     class aaf_indll
 22     {
 23         public aaf_indll next;
 24         public int ind;
 25     }
 27     class Aaform
 28     {
 29         private AafPnt[] pixelgrid;
 30         private AafPnt[] polyoverlap;
 31         private AafPnt[] polysorted;
 32         private AafPnt[] corners;
 34         private int outstartx;
 35         private int outstarty;
 36         private int outwidth;
 37         private int outheight;
 39         int polyoverlapsize;
 40         int polysortedsize;
 42         int[] ja = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 };
 44         public void CreateTransform(Bitmap src,ref Bitmap dst, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
 45         {
 46             int right = 0, bottom = 0;
 48             //主要是根据新图片的坐标,计算出图片的宽和高,构造目标图片的Bitmap的
 49             double offx = xcorner[0];
 50             double offy = ycorner[0];
 51             for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
 52             {
 53                 if (xcorner[i] < offx) offx = xcorner[i];
 54                 if (ycorner[i] < offy) offy = ycorner[i];
 55             }
 57             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 58             {
 59                 xcorner[i] -= offx;
 60                 ycorner[i] -= offy;
 61                 if (roundup(xcorner[i]) > right) right = roundup(xcorner[i]);
 62                 if (roundup(ycorner[i]) > bottom) bottom = roundup(ycorner[i]);
 63             }
 64             dst = new Bitmap(right, bottom);
 65             Transform(src, dst, xcorner, ycorner, null);
 66         }
 68         private void Transform(Bitmap src,Bitmap dst, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
 69         {
 70             //Make sure the coordinates are valid
 71             if (xcorner.Count != 4 || ycorner.Count != 4)
 72                 return ;
 74             //Load the src bitmaps information
 76             //create the intial arrays
 77             //根据原图片生成一个比原图宽高多一个单位的图片,
 78             //这个矩阵就是用来记录转换后各个像素点左上角的坐标
 79             pixelgrid = new AafPnt[(src.Width + 1) * (src.Height + 1)];
 80             polyoverlap = new AafPnt[16];
 81             polysorted = new AafPnt[16];
 82             corners = new AafPnt[4];
 84             //Load the corners array
 85             double[] dx = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
 86             double[] dy = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
 87             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 88             {
 89                 corners[i].x = dx[i];
 90                 corners[i].y = dy[i];
 91             }
 93             //Find the rectangle of dst to draw to
 94             outstartx = rounddown(xcorner[0]);
 95             outstarty = rounddown(ycorner[0]);
 96             outwidth = 0;
 97             outheight = 0;
 98             //这里计算出变换后起始点的坐标
 99             for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
100             {
101                 if (rounddown(xcorner[i]) < outstartx) outstartx = rounddown(xcorner[i]);
102                 if (rounddown(ycorner[i]) < outstarty) outstarty = rounddown(ycorner[i]);
103             }
104             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
105             {
106                 if (roundup(xcorner[i] - outstartx) > outwidth) outwidth = roundup(xcorner[i] - outstartx);
107                 if (roundup(ycorner[i] - outstarty) > outheight) outheight = roundup(ycorner[i] - outstarty);
108             }
111             //fill out pixelgrid array
112             //计算出理想目标图片中各个“像素格”中的左上角的坐标
113             if (CreateGrid(src, xcorner, ycorner))
114             {
115                 //Do the transformation
116                 //进行转换
117                DoTransform(src,dst, callbackfunc);
118             }
120             //Return if the function completed properly
121             return ;
122         }
124         private bool CreateGrid(Bitmap src, List<double> xcorner, List<double> ycorner)
125         {
126             //mmm geometry
127             double[] sideradius = new double[4];
128             double[] sidecos = new double[4];
129             double[] sidesin = new double[4];
131             //First we find the radius, cos, and sin of each side of the polygon created by xcorner and ycorner
132             int j;
133             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
134             {
135                 j = ja[i];
136                 sideradius[i] = Math.Sqrt((xcorner[i] - xcorner[j]) * (xcorner[i] - xcorner[j]) + (ycorner[i] - ycorner[j]) * (ycorner[i] - ycorner[j]));
137                 sidecos[i] = (xcorner[j] - xcorner[i]) / sideradius[i];
138                 sidesin[i] = (ycorner[j] - ycorner[i]) / sideradius[i];
139             }
141             //Next we create two lines in Ax + By = C form
142             for (int x = 0; x < src.Width + 1; x++)
143             {
144                 double topdist = ((double)x / (src.Width)) * sideradius[0];//每个像素点变换后的坐标点
145                 double ptxtop = xcorner[0] + topdist * sidecos[0];
146                 double ptytop = ycorner[0] + topdist * sidesin[0];
148                 double botdist = (1.0 - (double)x / (src.Width)) * sideradius[2];
149                 double ptxbot = xcorner[2] + botdist * sidecos[2];
150                 double ptybot = ycorner[2] + botdist * sidesin[2];
152                 double Ah = ptybot - ptytop;
153                 double Bh = ptxtop - ptxbot;
154                 double Ch = Ah * ptxtop + Bh * ptytop;//叉乘
156                 for (int y = 0; y < src.Height + 1; y++)
157                 {
158                     double leftdist = (1.0 - (double)y / (src.Height)) * sideradius[3];
159                     double ptxleft = xcorner[3] + leftdist * sidecos[3];
160                     double ptyleft = ycorner[3] + leftdist * sidesin[3];
162                     double rightdist = ((double)y / (src.Height)) * sideradius[1];
163                     double ptxright = xcorner[1] + rightdist * sidecos[1];
164                     double ptyright = ycorner[1] + rightdist * sidesin[1];
166                     double Av = ptyright - ptyleft;
167                     double Bv = ptxleft - ptxright;
168                     double Cv = Av * ptxleft + Bv * ptyleft;
170                     //Find where the lines intersect and store that point in the pixelgrid array
171                     double det = Ah * Bv - Av * Bh;
172                     if (AafAbs(det) < 1e-9)
173                     {
174                         return false;
175                     }
176                     else
177                     {
178                         int ind = x + y * (src.Width + 1);
179                         pixelgrid[ind].x = (Bv * Ch - Bh * Cv) / det;
180                         pixelgrid[ind].y = (Ah * Cv - Av * Ch) / det;
181                     }
182                 }
183             }
185             //Yayy we didn't fail
186             return true;
187         }
189         private void DoTransform(Bitmap src,Bitmap dst, Aaf_callback callbackfunc)
190         {
192             //Get source bitmap's information
193             if (src == null) return ;
195             //Create the source dib array and the dstdib array
196             aaf_dblrgbquad[] dbldstdib = new aaf_dblrgbquad[outwidth * outheight];
197             for (int i = 0; i < dbldstdib.Length; i++)
198                 dbldstdib[i] = new aaf_dblrgbquad();
200             //Create polygon arrays
201             AafPnt[] p = new AafPnt[4];
202             AafPnt[] poffset = new AafPnt[4];
204             //Loop through the source's pixels
205             //遍历原图(实质上是pixelgrid)各个点
206             for (int x = 0; x < src.Width; x++)
207             {
208                 for (int y = 0; y < src.Height; y++)
209                 {
210                     //取当前点 下一点 右一点 斜右下角点 四点才组成一个四边形
211                     //这个四边形是原图像的一个像素点
212                     //Construct the source pixel's rotated polygon from pixelgrid
213                     p[0] = pixelgrid[x + y * (src.Width + 1)];
214                     p[1] = pixelgrid[(x + 1) + y * (src.Width + 1)];
215                     p[2] = pixelgrid[(x + 1) + (y + 1) * (src.Width + 1)];
216                     p[3] = pixelgrid[x + (y + 1) * (src.Width + 1)];
218                     //Find the scan area on the destination's pixels
219                     int mindx = int.MaxValue;
220                     int mindy = int.MaxValue;
221                     int maxdx = int.MinValue;
222                     int maxdy = int.MinValue;
223                     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
224                     {
225                         if (rounddown(p[i].x) < mindx) mindx = rounddown(p[i].x);
226                         if (roundup(p[i].x) > maxdx) maxdx = roundup(p[i].x);
227                         if (rounddown(p[i].y) < mindy) mindy = rounddown(p[i].y);
228                         if (roundup(p[i].y) > maxdy) maxdy = roundup(p[i].y);
229                     }
231                     int SrcIndex = x + y * src.Width;
232                     //遍历四边形包含了目标图几个像素点
233                     //按照相交面积占整个像素的的百分比,把颜色按照该比例存放一个目标像素点颜色的数组中
234                     //这里计算出来的颜色只是初步颜色,还没到最终结果
235                     //loop through the scan area to find where source(x, y) overlaps with the destination pixels
236                     for (int xx = mindx - 1; xx <= maxdx; xx++)
237                     {
238                         if (xx < 0 || xx >= dst.Width)
239                             continue;
240                         for (int yy = mindy - 1; yy <= maxdy; yy++)
241                         {
242                             if (yy < 0 || yy >= dst.Height)
243                                 continue;
245                             //offset p and by (xx,yy) and put that into poffset
246                             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
247                             {
248                                 poffset[i].x = p[i].x - xx;
249                                 poffset[i].y = p[i].y - yy;
250                             }
252                             //FIND THE OVERLAP *a whole lot of code pays off here*
253                             //这里则是计算出覆盖了面积占当前像素的百分比
254                             double dbloverlap = PixOverlap(poffset);
255                             //按照百分比来为目标像素点累加颜色
256                             //因为一个目标像素点有可能有几个原来像素的覆盖了
257                             if (dbloverlap > 0)
258                             {
259                                 int dstindex = xx + yy * outwidth;
260                                 int srcWidth = src.Width;
261                                 Color srcColor;
262                                 if (SrcIndex == 0)
263                                     srcColor = src.GetPixel(0, 0);
264                                 else
265                                  srcColor = src.GetPixel(SrcIndex%src.Width  ,  SrcIndex/src.Width );
266                                 //Add the rgb and alpha values in proportion to the overlap area
267                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Red += (double)((srcColor.R) * dbloverlap);
268                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Blue += (double)(srcColor.B) * dbloverlap;
269                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Green += (double)(srcColor.G) * dbloverlap;
270                                 dbldstdib[dstindex].Alpha += dbloverlap;
271                             }
272                         }
273                     }
274                 }
275                 if (callbackfunc != null)
276                 {
277                     //Send the callback message
278                     double percentdone = (double)(x + 1) / (double)(src.Width);
279                     if (callbackfunc(percentdone))
280                     {
281                         dbldstdib = null;
282                         p = null;
283                         poffset = null;
284                         return ;
285                     }
286                 }
287             }
289             //Free memory no longer needed
292             //Create final destination bits
293             RGBQUDA[] dstdib = new RGBQUDA[dst.Width * dst.Height];
294             for (int i = 0; i < dstdib.Length; i++)
295                 dstdib[i] = new RGBQUDA(){R= 0,G= 0,B= 0};
297             //这里是实际上真正像素点的颜色,并且填到了目标图片中去
298             //Write to dstdib with the information stored in dbldstdib
299             for (int x = 0; x < outwidth; x++)
300             {
301                 if (x + outstartx >= dst.Width)
302                     continue;
303                 for (int y = 0; y < outheight; y++)
304                 {
305                     if (y + outstarty >= dst.Height)
306                         continue;
307                     int offindex = x + y * outwidth;
308                     int dstindex = x + outstartx + (y + outstarty) * dst.Width;
310                     int dstIndexX = dstindex / dst.Width;
311                     int dstIndexY = dstindex % dst.Width;
312                     if (dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha > 1)
313                     {
314                         //handles wrap around for non-convex transformations
315                         dstdib[dstindex].R = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Red / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
316                         dstdib[dstindex].G = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Green / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
317                         dstdib[dstindex].B = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Blue / dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha);
318                     }
319                     else
320                     {
321                         //Color dstColor = dst.GetPixel(dstIndexX, dstIndexY);
322                         dstdib[dstindex].R = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Red + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].R);
323                         dstdib[dstindex].G = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Green + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].G);
324                         dstdib[dstindex].B = byterange(dbldstdib[offindex].Blue + (1 - dbldstdib[offindex].Alpha) * (double)dstdib[dstindex].B);
325                     }
326                     dst.SetPixel(dstIndexY,dstIndexX , Color.FromArgb(dstdib[dstindex].R, dstdib[dstindex].G, dstdib[dstindex].B));
327                 }
328             }
330             //:D
331             return ;
332         }
334         double PixOverlap(AafPnt[] p)
335         {
336             polyoverlapsize = 0;
337             polysortedsize = 0;
339             double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
340             int j;
342             double z;
344             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
345             {
346                 //Search for source points within the destination quadrolateral
347                 if (p[i].x >= 0 && p[i].x <= 1 && p[i].y >= 0 && p[i].y <= 1)
348                     polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++] = p[i];
350                 //Search for destination points within the source quadrolateral
351                 if (PtinConvexPolygon(p, corners[i]))
352                     polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++] = corners[i];
354                 //Search for line intersections
355                 j = ja[i];
356                 minx = aaf_min(p[i].x, p[j].x);
357                 miny = aaf_min(p[i].y, p[j].y);
358                 maxx = aaf_max(p[i].x, p[j].x);
359                 maxy = aaf_max(p[i].y, p[j].y);
361                 if (minx < 0.0 && 0.0 < maxx)
362                 {//Cross left
363                     z = p[i].y - p[i].x * (p[i].y - p[j].y) / (p[i].x - p[j].x);
364                     if (z >= 0.0 && z <= 1.0)
365                     {
366                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize].x = 0.0;
367                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++].y = z;
368                     }
369                 }
370                 if (minx < 1.0 && 1.0 < maxx)
371                 {//Cross right
372                     z = p[i].y + (1 - p[i].x) * (p[i].y - p[j].y) / (p[i].x - p[j].x);
373                     if (z >= 0.0 && z <= 1.0)
374                     {
375                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize].x = 1.0;
376                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++].y = z;
377                     }
378                 }
379                 if (miny < 0.0 && 0.0 < maxy)
380                 {//Cross bottom
381                     z = p[i].x - p[i].y * (p[i].x - p[j].x) / (p[i].y - p[j].y);
382                     if (z >= 0.0 && z <= 1.0)
383                     {
384                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize].x = z;
385                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++].y = 0.0;
386                     }
387                 }
388                 if (miny < 1.0 && 1.0 < maxy)
389                 {//Cross top
390                     z = p[i].x + (1 - p[i].y) * (p[i].x - p[j].x) / (p[i].y - p[j].y);
391                     if (z >= 0.0 && z <= 1.0)
392                     {
393                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize].x = z;
394                         polyoverlap[polyoverlapsize++].y = 1.0;
395                     }
396                 }
397             }
399             //Sort the points and return the area
400             SortPoints();
401             return Area();
402         }
404         private double Area()
405         {
406             double ret = 0.0;
407             //Loop through each triangle with respect to (0, 0) and add the cross multiplication
408             for (int i = 0; i + 1 < polysortedsize; i++)
409                 ret += polysorted[i].x * polysorted[i + 1].y - polysorted[i + 1].x * polysorted[i].y;
410             //Take the absolute value over 2
411             return AafAbs(ret) / 2.0;
412         }
414         private void SortPoints()
415         {
416             //Why even bother?
417             if (polyoverlapsize < 3)
418                 return;
420             //polyoverlap is a triangle, points cannot be out of order
421             if (polyoverlapsize == 3)
422             {
423                 polysortedsize = polyoverlapsize - 1;
424                 polysorted[0].x = polyoverlap[1].x - polyoverlap[0].x;
425                 polysorted[0].y = polyoverlap[1].y - polyoverlap[0].y;
426                 polysorted[1].x = polyoverlap[2].x - polyoverlap[0].x;
427                 polysorted[1].y = polyoverlap[2].y - polyoverlap[0].y;
428                 return;
429             }
432             aaf_indll root = new aaf_indll();
433             root.next = null;
435             //begin sorting the points.  Note that the first element is left out and all other elements are offset by it's values
436             for (int i = 1; i < polyoverlapsize; i++)
437             {
438                 polyoverlap[i].x = polyoverlap[i].x - polyoverlap[0].x;
439                 polyoverlap[i].y = polyoverlap[i].y - polyoverlap[0].y;
441                 aaf_indll node = root;
442                 //Loop until the point polyoverlap[i] is can be sorted (counter) clockwiswe (I'm not sure which way it's sorted)
443                 while (true)
444                 {
445                     if (node.next != null)
446                     {
447                         if (polyoverlap[i].x * polyoverlap[node.next.ind].y - polyoverlap[node.next.ind].x * polyoverlap[i].y < 0)
448                         {
449                             //Insert point before this element
450                             aaf_indll temp = node.next;
451                             node.next = new aaf_indll();
452                             node.next.ind = i;
453                             node.next.next = temp;
454                             break;
455                         }
456                     }
457                     else
458                     {
459                         //Add point to the end of list
460                         node.next = new aaf_indll();
461                         node.next.ind = i;
462                         node.next.next = null;
463                         break;
464                     }
465                     node = node.next;
466                 }
467             }
469             //We can leave out the first point because it's offset position is going to be (0, 0)
470             polysortedsize = 0;
472             aaf_indll node2 = root;
473             aaf_indll temp2;
475             //Add the sorted points to polysorted and clean up memory
476             while (node2 != null)
477             {
478                 temp2 = node2;
479                 node2 = node2.next;
480                 if (node2 != null)
481                     polysorted[polysortedsize++] = polyoverlap[node2.ind];
483             }
484         }
486         private bool PtinConvexPolygon(AafPnt[] p, AafPnt pt)
487         {
488             int dir = 0;
489             int j;
491             //Basically what we are doing is seeing if pt is on the same side of each face of the polygon through cross multiplication
492             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
493             {
494                 j = ja[i];
495                 double cross = (p[i].x - pt.x) * (p[j].y - pt.y) - (p[j].x - pt.x) * (p[i].y - pt.y);
497                 if (cross == 0)
498                     continue;
500                 if (cross > 0)
501                 {
502                     if (dir == -1)
503                         return false;
505                     dir = 1;
506                 }
507                 else
508                 {
509                     if (dir == 1)
510                         return false;
512                     dir = -1;
513                 }
514             }
515             return true;
516         }
518         int roundup(double a) { if (AafAbs(a - round(a)) < 1e-9) return round(a); else if ((int)a > a) return (int)a; else return (int)a + 1; }
519         int rounddown(double a) { if (AafAbs(a - round(a)) < 1e-9) return round(a); else if ((int)a < a) return (int)a; else return (int)a - 1; }
520         int round(double a) { return (int)(a + 0.5); }
521         byte byterange(double a) { int b = round(a); if (b <= 0) return 0; else if (b >= 255) return 255; else return (byte)b; }
522         double AafAbs(double a) { return (((a) < 0) ? (-(a)) : (a)); }
523         double aaf_min(double a, double b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; }
524         double aaf_max(double a, double b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; }
525     }
527     class RGBQUDA
528     {
529         public byte R { get; set; }
530         public byte G { get; set; }
531         public byte B { get; set; }
532     }


