I am using two phones, Galaxy Nexus(JellyBean) and Nexus 5(KitKat). I am trying to execute a script which exists in
I use Process.Builder to build the command. This command is built by getting
Environment.getDataDirectory().toString() + "/folder/scripts/run.sh"
There are no issues running this on the Galaxy Nexus but when I run it on the Nexus 5, I catch an exception when I run the process.start(). The output which I get contains:
Error running exec(). Command: [/data/folder/scripts/run.sh, "param"]. Working directory: null Environment: [ADNROID_ROOT=/system ... ]
The directory structure of my scripts is the same on both files.
So I was looking at the logcat as soon as I load the application and I think I've pinpointed the issue.
There's an ERROR saying Manifest file not found. WARNING: java.io.FileNotFoundException /data/folder/Manifest: open failed EACCESS (Permission Denied).
This doesn't come up for the Galaxy Nexus which is running JellyBean. Is it some security issue with KitKat?
The issue was due to not having root access. Fixed when SuperSu granted permission to the application.