C# creating own flowchart

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-11 09:23:05


In a project, I'll probably have to create an application (.Net / C# 4.0) that will provide a flowchart.

I'm looking for the best way to do this, knowing that it should be really flexible :

  • Do I have to do it myself, using .Net framework graphics (WPF, xaml) ?
  • Is there a powerful library that I can use, that is specialized in Flowchart design ?
  • Is there an open-source project related to that kind of work ?

In any cases I'll need to alter any component the way I want (the way they're linked, how they look, the logic, etc)...

How would you guys handle this ?


If you need a "static" workflow designer you can look at this project on copdeproject and start from it. If you mind to execute the workflow instead, have a look a this blog post about rehosting WF4 in your own application. You can customize it by creating your own activities.


I suggest you use one of the already available controls: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=.net+flowchart&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=. Writing something like this yourself will cost you more than buying a license. Unfortunately, I haven't used any of those myself, so I can't recommend a specific one. Just evaluate them and use the one that fits your needs best.

