Multiple kernels in Enthought Canopy

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-11 06:32:33


I previously worked with the EPD Python distribution using its Qt-console, where one of the most useful features was easily having multiple kernels in multiple tabs, when doing several calculations simultaneously.

I recently got the "new" Enthought Canopy, which somehow tries to emulate MatLab, which might not be bad perse. Here comes the problem: How do I get multiple tabs with separated kernels with Canopy?

For completeness, I am running Canopy 1.1.0 on Ubuntu-Gnome 13.04.


The Canopy GUI application does not yet support multiple kernels. However, just like with EPD, you can run QtConsole, including using its multiple kernel capabilities, from a Canopy User Python command line.

To do this quickly:

~/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/ipython qtconsole

Long-term, the easiest way to run Canopy User Python may be to make it your default python, using the Canopy preferences dialog. Details at:

