I have NSBitmapImageRep
which is W
size. And I create NSImage
and do addRepresentation:
. Then I need to resize NSImage
. I tried setSize
method but it doesn't works. What should I do?
Edit: Since this answer is still the accepted answer, but was written without Retina screens in mind, I will straight up link to a better solution further down the thread: Objective-C Swift 4
Because the method of Paresh is totally correct but deprecated since 10.8 I'll post the working 10.8 code below. All credit to Paresh's answer though.
- (NSImage *)imageResize:(NSImage*)anImage newSize:(NSSize)newSize {
NSImage *sourceImage = anImage;
[sourceImage setScalesWhenResized:YES];
// Report an error if the source isn't a valid image
if (![sourceImage isValid]){
NSLog(@"Invalid Image");
} else {
NSImage *smallImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: newSize];
[smallImage lockFocus];
[sourceImage setSize: newSize];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh];
[sourceImage drawAtPoint:NSZeroPoint fromRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height) operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0];
[smallImage unlockFocus];
return smallImage;
return nil;
Thomas Johannesmeyer's answer using lockFocus
doesn't work as you may intend on Retina/HiDPI screens: it resizes to the desired points in the screen's native scale, not pixels.
- If you're resizing for display on screen, use that method.
- If you're resizing for a file with exact pixel dimensions, it'll be twice as large when running on Retina (2x DPI) screens.
This method, cobbled together from various answers including some in this related question, resizes to the specified pixel dimensions regardless of current screen DPI:
+ (NSImage *)resizedImage:(NSImage *)sourceImage toPixelDimensions:(NSSize)newSize
if (! sourceImage.isValid) return nil;
NSBitmapImageRep *rep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
rep.size = newSize;
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:rep]];
[sourceImage drawInRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height) fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
NSImage *newImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:newSize];
[newImage addRepresentation:rep];
return newImage;
EDIT You can resize image using below function:
- (NSImage *)imageResize:(NSImage*)anImage
NSImage *sourceImage = anImage;
[sourceImage setScalesWhenResized:YES];
// Report an error if the source isn't a valid image
if (![sourceImage isValid])
NSLog(@"Invalid Image");
} else
NSImage *smallImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: newSize] autorelease];
[smallImage lockFocus];
[sourceImage setSize: newSize];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh];
[sourceImage compositeToPoint:NSZeroPoint operation:NSCompositeCopy];
[smallImage unlockFocus];
return smallImage;
return nil;
Secondly like this:
NSData *imageData = [yourImg TIFFRepresentation]; // converting img into data
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:imageData]; // converting into BitmapImageRep
NSDictionary *imageProps = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.9] forKey:NSImageCompressionFactor]; // any number betwwen 0 to 1
imageData = [imageRep representationUsingType:NSJPEGFileType properties:imageProps]; // use NSPNGFileType if needed
NSImage *resizedImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:imageData]; // image created from data
Actually it is not necessary to modify any source image parameters like size
. The following snippet is already in Swift, but I think you can infer the Objective-C version from it:
func resized(to: CGSize) -> NSImage {
let img = NSImage(size: to)
defer {
if let ctx = NSGraphicsContext.current {
ctx.imageInterpolation = .high
draw(in: NSRect(origin: .zero, size: to),
from: NSRect(origin: .zero, size: size),
operation: .copy,
fraction: 1)
return img
@Marco's answer written in Swift 4:
extension NSImage {
func resized(to newSize: NSSize) -> NSImage? {
if let bitmapRep = NSBitmapImageRep(
bitmapDataPlanes: nil, pixelsWide: Int(newSize.width), pixelsHigh: Int(newSize.height),
bitsPerSample: 8, samplesPerPixel: 4, hasAlpha: true, isPlanar: false,
colorSpaceName: .calibratedRGB, bytesPerRow: 0, bitsPerPixel: 0
) {
bitmapRep.size = newSize
NSGraphicsContext.current = NSGraphicsContext(bitmapImageRep: bitmapRep)
draw(in: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height), from: .zero, operation: .copy, fraction: 1.0)
let resizedImage = NSImage(size: newSize)
return resizedImage
return nil
let targetSize = NSSize(width: 256.0, height: 256.0)
let newImageResized = myimage.resized(to: targetSize)
Here's a Swift 4 version of Thomas Johannesmeyer's answer:
func resize(image: NSImage, w: Int, h: Int) -> NSImage {
var destSize = NSMakeSize(CGFloat(w), CGFloat(h))
var newImage = NSImage(size: destSize)
image.draw(in: NSMakeRect(0, 0, destSize.width, destSize.height), from: NSMakeRect(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height), operation: NSCompositingOperation.sourceOver, fraction: CGFloat(1))
newImage.size = destSize
return NSImage(data: newImage.tiffRepresentation!)!
And Swift 4 version of Marco's answer:
func resize(image: NSImage, w: Int, h: Int) -> NSImage {
let destSize = NSMakeSize(CGFloat(w), CGFloat(h))
let rep = NSBitmapImageRep(bitmapDataPlanes: nil, pixelsWide: Int(destSize.width), pixelsHigh: Int(destSize.height), bitsPerSample: 8, samplesPerPixel: 4, hasAlpha: true, isPlanar: false, colorSpaceName: .calibratedRGB, bytesPerRow: 0, bitsPerPixel: 0)
rep?.size = destSize
if let aRep = rep {
NSGraphicsContext.current = NSGraphicsContext(bitmapImageRep: aRep)
image.draw(in: NSMakeRect(0, 0, destSize.width, destSize.height), from: NSZeroRect, operation: NSCompositingOperation.copy, fraction: 1.0)
let newImage = NSImage(size: destSize)
if let aRep = rep {
return newImage
Complete Swift 3 answer (modified from @Erik Aigner above):
extension NSImage {
func resizeImage(width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> NSImage {
let img = NSImage(size: CGSize(width:width, height:height))
let ctx = NSGraphicsContext.current()
ctx?.imageInterpolation = .high
self.draw(in: NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height), from: NSMakeRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height), operation: .copy, fraction: 1)
return img
Here is a Swift 3 version keeping ratio of image, just set minimumSize as the minimum height or width you want:
func imageResized(image: NSImage) -> NSImage {
let ratio = image.size.height / image.size.width
let width: CGFloat
let height: CGFloat
// We keep ratio of image
if ratio > 1 {
width = minimumSize
height = minimumSize * ratio
} else {
width = minimumSize
height = minimumSize * (1 / ratio)
let destSize = NSSize(width: width, height: height)
let newImage = NSImage(size: destSize)
image.draw(in: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: destSize.width, height: destSize.height), from: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height), operation: .sourceOver, fraction: 1.0)
newImage.size = destSize
return NSImage(data: newImage.tiffRepresentation!)!
For just scaling NSBitmapImageRep
static NSBitmapImageRep *i_scale_bitmap(const NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height)
NSBitmapImageRep *new_bitmap = NULL;
CGImageRef dest_image = NULL;
CGColorSpaceRef space = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, (size_t)width, (size_t)height, PARAM(bitsPerComponent, 8), PARAM(bytesPerRow, (size_t)(width * 4)), space, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
CGImageRef src_image = [bitmap CGImage];
CGRect rect = CGRectMake((CGFloat)0.f, (CGFloat)0.f, (CGFloat)width, (CGFloat)height);
CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, src_image);
dest_image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
new_bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:dest_image];
return new_bitmap;
And for scaling a NSImage based on NSBitmapImageRep
ImageImp *imgimp_create_scaled(const ImageImp *image, const uint32_t new_width, const uint32_t new_height)
NSImage *src_image = (NSImage*)image;
NSBitmapImageRep *src_bitmap, *dest_bitmap;
NSImage *scaled_image = nil;
cassert([[src_image representations] count] == 1);
cassert([[[src_image representations] objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]);
src_bitmap = (NSBitmapImageRep*)[[(NSImage*)image representations] objectAtIndex:0];
dest_bitmap = i_scale_bitmap(src_bitmap, new_width, new_height);
scaled_image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize((CGFloat)new_width, (CGFloat)new_height)];
[scaled_image addRepresentation:dest_bitmap];
cassert([scaled_image retainCount] == 1);
[dest_bitmap release];
return (ImageImp*)scaled_image;
Draw directly over NSImage ([NSImage lockFocus], etc) will create a NSCGImageSnapshotRep not a NSBitmapImageRep.