Last week I was able to upload a video on my youtube channel. Today I've tried doing the same thing without any success.
Code wise I'm not getting any errors whatsoever.
Here is the result for my
yt.videos.insert({/* video info here and media*/}, function(err, res){
For the console.log(err)
I get "null"
and for the console.log(res)
I get:
I20151130-14:25:26.474(1)? { kind: 'youtube#video',
I20151130-14:25:26.474(1)? etag: '"mPrpS7Nrk6Ggi_P7VJ8-KsEOiIw/iM-gBcVX-kDvfZG6P8kQD4388vM"',
I20151130-14:25:26.475(1)? id: 'Z2NpA49QxTg',
I20151130-14:25:26.475(1)? snippet:
I20151130-14:25:26.475(1)? { publishedAt: '2015-11-30T13:25:06.000Z',
I20151130-14:25:26.475(1)? channelId: 'UCXUwJ50BHxJV5NS5bQ4f8NA',
I20151130-14:25:26.475(1)? title: 'foo',
I20151130-14:25:26.476(1)? description: 'bar',
I20151130-14:25:26.476(1)? thumbnails: { default: [Object], medium: [Object], high: [Object] },
I20151130-14:25:26.476(1)? channelTitle: 'WebSurg Ircad',
I20151130-14:25:26.476(1)? categoryId: '27',
I20151130-14:25:26.477(1)? liveBroadcastContent: 'none',
I20151130-14:25:26.477(1)? localized: { title: 'foo', description: 'bar' } },
I20151130-14:25:26.477(1)? status:
I20151130-14:25:26.477(1)? { uploadStatus: 'uploaded',
I20151130-14:25:26.477(1)? privacyStatus: 'private',
I20151130-14:25:26.478(1)? license: 'youtube',
I20151130-14:25:26.478(1)? embeddable: true,
I20151130-14:25:26.478(1)? publicStatsViewable: true } }
I checked Google's Developers Console and this is the result:
It is in french, but it translates to: "Successful operations 2 100%" with no errors.
What am I doing wrong that may be causing this problem?
While asking this question, the problem solved itself. It sometimes takes longer than usual for the video to appear in your video list.
However, the previous two hours I had gotten the same result and the videos never appeared in my video list.