I have difficulties in submitting my jobs from the parent directory in Linux. Assume that in my parent directory, I do have 1000 sub directories named 1,2,3 ...., 1000 in all of which there is a submission script submit.sh. Rather than going to each subdirectory and qsub individually which of course takes a huge time of mine, I need to qsub all scripts from the parent directory such that all calculations and outputs will be dumped out in the corresponding subdirectoy. is there any way to do so?
I do appreciate your help.
How about a shell script?
If you just need to run each submit.sh
, then this should do what you're asking in bash
for i in {1..1000}; do
cd "$i"
cd ..
Or if you need to pass them as an argument to something, e.g. qsub
, then just add whatever you need, for example:
for i in {1..1000}; do
cd "$i"
qsub submit.sh
cd ..