I understand CommonJS modules are meant to load once. Lets say we have a Single Page application with hash based navigation, when we navigate to a previously loaded page the code is not re-run as it has already been loaded once which is what we want.
How can I get the content of the module to reload as though it wasn't already initialized? For example, if I have some data in local storage that changes, how can I run a function to update this data and/or what would be the best way to update this data in a previously loaded module?
Rather than exporting the content of your module directly, you can just wrap it in a function and then call that function each time you need that content. I use this pattern for any kind of initialization a module may need. Here's a simple (and silly) example:
// this module will always add 1 to n
module.exports = function(n) {
return 1 + n;
module.exports = function(n1) {
// now we wrapped the module and can set the number
return function(n2) {
return n1 + n2;
var myModule = require('that-module')(5);
myModule(3); // 8
And another example that contains changing data:
// ./foo
module.exports = {
foo: Date.now()
// ./bar
module.exports = function() {
return {
foo: Date.now()
// index.js
var foo = require('./foo');
var bar = require('./bar');
setInterval(function() {
console.log(foo.foo, bar().foo);
}, 500);