Sorting portfolios based on criterias

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-06 18:38:41


My current table looks like this





I want to allocate the companies into two categories "Big" and "Small".

For a particular year, if the companies size is bigger than the median of the size of the companies in that year in Exchange A, will be called "BIG". something like this,


I know the way I used the filters are wrong. I do not know how to do this. Please help me.


Your question isn't particularly well worded as it's left me wondering if I've made correct assumptions when answering but essentially I think you need something like an array formula with Median.


This should give you "Big" if for that year the companies size is bigger than the median of the size of the companies in that year in Exchange A.


I assume you ask for a PowerPivot solution, since your question is tagged as such.

The DAX (a.k.a. Power Pivot) formula MEDIAN() is only available in the preview edition of Excel 2016 (see here:

However, you can simply build your own median logic using RANKX()

First, add a new column called [RankInExchangeA]:

=If([Exchange]="A",RANKX(FILTER(Table1,[Exchange]="A" && EARLIER([year])=[year]),[size]),Blank())

The EARLIER() function basically means ThisRowsValue().

Now add your desired Big/Small column:

=If([Exchange]="A",If([RankInExchangeA]<=CALCULATE(max([RankInExchangeA]),filter(Table1,EARLIER([year])=[year]))/2,"Small","Big"),"Other Exchange")

EDIT: Added the year condition to the formulas.

EDIT 2: As mentioned in the comments, the following formula would work using MEDIANX():


