Rails: Switch User Gem and issues with switching back to original user

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-01-05 10:09:08


In my app I am using the switch_user (https://github.com/flyerhzm/switch_user) gem to allow admins to login as another user. The gem has the ability to log back in as an admin, but I am having a hard time conceptualizing how to do it.

Here is my config:

SwitchUser.setup do |config|
  # provider may be :devise, :authlogic, :clearance, :restful_authentication, :sorcery, or :session
  config.provider = :devise

  # available_users is a hash,
  # key is the model name of user (:user, :admin, or any name you use),
  # value is a block that return the users that can be switched.
  config.available_users = { :user => lambda { User.all } }

  # available_users_identifiers is a hash,
  # keys in this hash should match a key in the available_users hash
  # value is the name of the identifying column to find by,
  # defaults to id
  # this hash is to allow you to specify a different column to
  # expose for instance a username on a User model instead of id
  config.available_users_identifiers = { :user => :id }

  # available_users_names is a hash,
  # keys in this hash should match a key in the available_users hash
  # value is the column name which will be displayed in select box
  config.available_users_names = { :user => :email }

  # controller_guard is a block,
  # if it returns true, the request will continue,
  # else the request will be refused and returns "Permission Denied"
  # if you switch from "admin" to user, the current_user param is "admin"
  config.controller_guard = lambda { |current_user, request, original_user| 
    current_user.school_admin? || original_user.school_admin?

  # view_guard is a block,
  # if it returns true, the switch user select box will be shown,
  # else the select box will not be shown
  # if you switch from admin to "user", the current_user param is "user"
  config.view_guard = lambda { |current_user, request, original_user| 
    current_user.school_admin? || original_user.school_admin?

  # redirect_path is a block, it returns which page will be redirected
  # after switching a user.
  config.redirect_path = lambda { |request, params| '/' }

  # helper_with_guest is a boolean value, if it set to false
  # the guest item in the helper won't be shown
  config.helper_with_guest = true

  # false = login from one scope to another and you are logged in only in both scopes
  # true = you are logged only into one scope at a time
  config.login_exclusive = true

  # switch_back allows you to switch back to a previously selected user. See
  # README for more details.
  config.switch_back = true

Their README says you can have these links in your view

<%= link_to user.login, "/switch_user?scope_identifier=user_#{user.id}" %>
<%= link_to admin.login, "/switch_user?scope_identifier=admin_#{admin.id}" %>

But there is no way to load the "original user" to check to see if you need to display the admin login link.. anyone else have experience using this gem?


I had similar issues with switch user and its switching back option, so at the end I am trying to implement something by myself.

I'm using this as a starting point, I hope it helps you as well.


You can access original user from your controllers by doing

provider = SwitchUser::Provider.init(self)


