I have a taxonomy index that describes a tree structure. When performing a query I want to get the number of hits for multiple categories (not necessarily in the same level of the tree). For example, given the following list of paths:
[Root/Cat1, Root/Cat1/Cat12, Root/Cat3]
I want to obtain the number of hits for each of these three categories.
I've been looking for a solution and I know that is possible to make a tree request and then get the results by calling .getSubResults()
(as it is explained in the API). However I haven't found any example and I don't really know how to implement it. So far I've got to the following:
// Build query
Query query = extendQuery(queryGenerator.generateQuery(resource));
// Set the number of top results
TopScoreDocCollector tdc = TopScoreDocCollector.create(numTopDocuments, true);
// Set a faceted search
FacetSearchParams facetSearchParams = new FacetSearchParams();
// Search at level of the category in interests
CountFacetRequest facetRequest = new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Top", '/'), numTopCategories);
// To collect the number of hits per facet
FacetsCollector facetsCollector =
new FacetsCollector(facetSearchParams, documentReader, taxonomyReader);
try {
// Collect the number of hits per facet
.search(query, MultiCollector.wrap(tdc, facetsCollector));
for (FacetResult res : facetsCollector.getFacetResults()){
//this is the top lvl facet
FacetResultNode toplvl = res.getFacetResultNode();
System.out.println(toplvl.getLabel() + " (" + toplvl.getValue() + ")");
for (FacetResultNode secondlvl : toplvl.getSubResults()) {
//second lvl facet categories
System.out.println(" " + secondlvl.getLabel().getComponent(1)
+ " (" + secondlvl.getValue() + ")");
for (FacetResultNode thirdlvl : secondlvl.getSubResults()) {
//second lvl facet categories
System.out.println(" " + thirdlvl.getLabel().getComponent(2)
+ " (" + thirdlvl.getValue() + ")");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
However, when I get to the third level I get null. What is going on?
You have to set also: