yielding items from NUL separated input in python

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-04 05:39:15


I have a situation in python where I need to loop items from a NUL separated stream given in a format similar to the output of find /somewhere -print0

  • The stream is binary, items can consist of all bytes except NUL
  • There is no way of knowing if the whole thing would fit in the available memory (assume the stream can be infinite).
  • There is no way of knowing the length of the individual items (assume it could always be longer than READ_SIZE in my current solution below).

I feel like I'm missing something here, like fd.readlines() but for \0 instead of \n)

Here's what I currently use to tackle this:

READ_SIZE = 2**14
def readitems(fd):
    buffer = b''
    last = fd.read(READ_SIZE)
        x = last.split(b'\0')
        for i in range(len(x)-1):
            yield buffer + x[i]
            buffer = b''
        buffer += x[-1]
        last = fd.read(READ_SIZE)

If there's really no built-in method that I'm missing to do this, all faster and/or cleaner solutions are welcome.

