cakephp checkbox is showing extra hidden field

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-03 20:01:19


foreach($apps as $app){

        echo $this->Form->input('Application', array('type'=>'checkbox', 'id'=>$app['Application']['description'], 'div'=>false,'type'=>'checkbox','value' => $app['Application']['description'],'label'=>$app['Application']['description']));


<div class="checkboxes"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="data[Group][Application]" id="GG_" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" name="data[Group][Application]"  id="GG" value="GG"/><label for="GG">GG</label><input type="hidden" name="data[Group][Application]" id="BS_" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" name="data[Group][Application]"  id="BS" value="BS"/><label for="BS">BS</label>  <div>
    <input type="hidden" name="data[Group][Grant]" id="GroupGrant_" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" name="data[Group][Grant]"  style="float: left; display: inline" value="Edit Weather" id="GroupGrant"/><label for="GroupGrant">Edit Weather</label><input type="hidden" name="data[Group][Grant]" id="GroupGrant_" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" name="data[Group][Grant]"  style="float: left; display: inline" value="Edit Traffic" id="GroupGrant"/><label for="GroupGrant">Edit </label>       


not sure where the hidden field is coming from. thanks


this is a cake fallback in case you don't select the checkbox and post the form in order for the validation to jump in. in this case php would not submit anything for this field (not even an empty string). therefore cake has found a smart workaround to overcome this issue.

similar thing with radio buttons btw.


Even though there is a hidden field we can make it disabled when we submit the form, so that it won't appear in the submitted data.. You need to write in the following way..

echo $this->Form->input('Application', array('type'=>'checkbox', 'id'=>$app['Application']['description'], 'div'=>false,'type'=>'checkbox','value' => $app['Application']['description'],'label'=>$app['Application']['description'],'hiddenField'=>false));

