I want to read a .mat file available at http://www.eigenvector.com/data/tablets/index.html. To access the data inside this file, I am trying the follwing:
import scipy.io as spio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mat = spio.loadmat('nir_shootout_2002.mat')
# http://pyhogs.github.io/reading-mat-files.html
def print_mat_nested(d, indent=0, nkeys=0):
if nkeys>0:
d = {k: d[k] for k in d.keys()[:nkeys]}
if isinstance(d, dict):
for key, value in d.iteritems():
print '\t' * indent + 'Key: ' + str(key)
print_mat_nested(value, indent+1)
if isinstance(d,np.ndarray) and d.dtype.names is not None:
for n in d.dtype.names:
print '\t' * indent + 'Field: ' + str(n)
print_mat_nested(d[n], indent+1)
print_mat_nested(mat, nkeys=1)
Above command shows that the first key in the dictionary is "validate_1" and it has a field "data". To access this field, I try:
t = mat['validate_1']
It prints an array but when I use np.shape(t['data'])
, it just returns (1,1) whereas the data seems to be larger. I am not sure how to access array inside t['data'].
Thanks for the help.
I found that following works:
t = mat['validate_1']['data'][0,0]
It returns that t is an array of shape (40,650)