I've got following code that works fine on Greasemonkey but not in Chrome:
// ==UserScript==
// @name SO
// @namespace stackoverflow.com
// @include *stackoverflow.com/*
// @version 1
// ==/UserScript==
function changeHeaderColor()
//body { color: white; background-color: black }
#custom-header {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-questions {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-tags {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-users {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-badges {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-unanswered {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
#nav-askquestion {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)}
//Blau: rgb(0,160,160) rgb(0,200,200)
What do I have to change so that it will work on Chrome or just even both?
That <><![CDATA[ ... ]]></>
code uses "EX4", which was never supported by Chrome and will soon not be supported by Firefox, either.
So, to get that script to work, you need to use a a different method for multiline strings in javascript. Also, for Greasemonkey, you should supply a @grant
value, as of GM 1.0.
User the \
escape character and be very careful with "
and '
Also, do not use //
comments in such strings, as they will stop everything after them, even if it looks like it's on a new line.
It ain't pretty, but this will do it:
// ==UserScript==
// @name SO
// @namespace stackoverflow.com
// @include *stackoverflow.com/*
// @version 1
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
changeHeaderColor ();
function changeHeaderColor () {
GM_addStyle ( " \
/*body { color: white; background-color: black } \
*/ \
#custom-header {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-questions {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-tags {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-users {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-badges {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-unanswered {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
#nav-askquestion {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} \
/*Blau: rgb(0,160,160) rgb(0,200,200) \
*/ \
" );