

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-18 17:39:08
原文地址: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/86112f136624322737978797.html 转换ISO镜像下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1803_updated_march_2018_x64_dvd_12063766.iso|4593778688|5B734D03EAE5033D99DB1E1541BAC46D|h=OEEZHRRUXGENUUG2E4X52JEAHHZTRCBR|/ 有时候我们安装了Windows10系统以后,在激活的时候可能输入了企业版的序列号这样我们安装结束后,才发现自己安装的是win10企业版,那么我们怎么将安装的Windows10企业版系统降级为专业版系统呢,基本方法也是系统内安装Win10专业版系统,有些朋友不熟悉,所以这里小编介绍下 Win10企业版降级专业版_Win10企业版转专业版的操作方法 ,提供大家需要参考。 工具/原料 Win10企业版降级专业版_Win10企业版转专业版【Win10专业版ISO文件】 Win10企业版降级专业版_Win10企业版转专业版 Win10专业版转企业版是可以通过企业版的激活码直接进行转换的 ,小编以前写过这样的经验,

Java: Ways to parse XML in E4X?

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-14 09:03:37
问题 I was wondering if there was a way to parse XML using E4X, or something similar to E4X. Does such a framework / library exist? Thanks! 回答1: Java cannot support dynamically defined members, as JavaScript can. However, with design-time generation, you can get Java whose members reflect the XML. E.g., JAXB 回答2: You can use JavaScript engine Rahino with Java which can handle E4X. http://blogs.oracle.com/sundararajan/entry/desktop_scripting_applications_with_netbeans http://www.ibm.com

Updating an actionscript xml object directly in one line using e4x?

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-07 04:57:13
问题 Given the following xml: <form> <personalDetails> <name>John</name> </personalDetails> <financeDetails> <income> <salary>1000000</salary> </income> </financeDetails> </form> I know that is it possible to create the above xml as follows (which is very cool): var xml:XML = <form />; xml.personalDetails.name = "John"; xml.financeDetails.income.salary = 1000000; However, what if we do not know the names of the nodes or how many levels exist? We can accomplish this using the method below but it

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable is not defined when searching for a node by attribute

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-06 19:27:17
问题 I've done this lot of times, but now I'm missing something.... I'm searching for a node by looking for a value in an attribute. If I try to trace: xmlQuestStructure.page[activePageIndex].label.@priority The trace it's ok, and I can read High, Medium, Low (the values I'm expecting). But if I try to trace this (where calculatedPriority is a String with value High, Medium or Low) xmlQuestStructure.page[activePageIndex].label.(@priority == calculatedPriority) I get ReferenceError: Error #1065:

E4X/AS3, get an array of text elements without looping

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-06 13:51:11
问题 this is part of an XML file I retrieve using AS3 E4X: <links> <link> <label>Versions</label> <href>http://mylink1</href> </link> <link> <label>Configurations</label> <href>http://myLink2</href> </link> </links> I want to retrieve the values of labels, so I write: document.links.link.label.text(); This returns VersionsConfigurations. I need this as Array ([Versions, Configurations]) but I would like not to use a loop. Is there any other way? 回答1: Well, this is a "don't try this at home"

ActionScript - XML/E4X Is Slow?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-06 02:45:49
问题 i've been reading that XML/E4X is very slow with AVM2 / ActionScript 3. when supplying an application with XML data, is it always generally a better idea to parse the XML object into an array of objects to call rather than using E4X with the stock XML data? 回答1: Aside from the performance issue, it would be a good idea to decouple your application from the data source. Let's say , for example, that you'd like to use JSON in the future... It'd be more flexible to pass the XML data to an Object

XML, namespaces and E4X

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-04 02:11:25
问题 Can someone explain me what exactly namespaces (xmlns="...") in XML are for and how they have to be used in navigating an XML using E4X (..preferrably in ActionScript 3)? I fail to fully understand their purpose and usage. 回答1: In theory, XML namespaces are used to avoid conflict with tag names. So I can create a namespace that contains a tag named "mytag" and someone else creates a different namespace with the same tag "mytag" and there won't be any conflict. Each "mytag" tag will be clearly

XML, namespaces and E4X

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-04 02:11:08
问题 Can someone explain me what exactly namespaces (xmlns="...") in XML are for and how they have to be used in navigating an XML using E4X (..preferrably in ActionScript 3)? I fail to fully understand their purpose and usage. 回答1: In theory, XML namespaces are used to avoid conflict with tag names. So I can create a namespace that contains a tag named "mytag" and someone else creates a different namespace with the same tag "mytag" and there won't be any conflict. Each "mytag" tag will be clearly

How do I import this Greasemonkey script, that uses CDATA, to Chrome?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-01 17:12:11
问题 I've got following code that works fine on Greasemonkey but not in Chrome: // ==UserScript== // @name SO // @namespace stackoverflow.com // @include *stackoverflow.com/* // @version 1 // ==/UserScript== changeHeaderColor(); function changeHeaderColor() { GM_addStyle((<><![CDATA[ //body { color: white; background-color: black } #custom-header {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} #nav-questions {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} #nav-tags {background-color: rgb(251,122,35)} #nav-users

xml nodes will not delete despite calling “delete”

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-30 14:50:13
问题 I'm trying to use the delete keyword to remove nodes from an xml file and it just plain won't work. Here's a stripped down example of what I'm working with. Every node has a child named "deleteme". If its value is equal to 1 I want to remove it from the xml file. If its anything else I want to leave it be. The delete method is deffinately gettig call but it's having no effect. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <stuff> <i> <deleteme> 0 </deleteme> </i> <i> <deleteme> 1 </deleteme> </i> <i