How to delay signal for a given number of cycles in VHDL? Number of cycles is given as a generic.
Any other options instead of
process(CLK) is
if rising_edge(CLK) then
a_q <= a;
a_q_q <= a_q;
a_q_q_q <= a_q_q;
-- etc
end if;
end process;
Create an 1-d array (let's call it a_store
) of the appropriate type of signal with the length of the array related to the number of cycles. This may mean you have to create a new type for the array unless there's already a vector type you can use: eg. std_logic_vector
or integer_vector
(the latter is standard only in VHDL-2008).
Then shuffle the array along each tick:
if rising_edge(clk) then
a_store <= a_store(store'high-1 downto 0) & a;
a_out <= a_store(a_store'high);
end if;