Asynchronous operations on WriteableBitmap

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-30 10:43:26


I'm writing an application in WPF (C#) which does long operations on a collection of Bitmaps. To keep my application responsive, I decided to use another thread to perform the operations on bitmaps and report progress on a progressbar in main UI thread. I thought BackgroundWorker would do anything for me, but looks like it won't be that easy.

I have the following code:

public class ImageProcessor
    public Collection<WriteableBitmap> Pictures { get; private set; }
    private BackgroundWorker _worker = new BackgroundWorker();

    public ImageProcessor()
        _worker.DoWork += DoWork;

    public void DoLotsOfOperations()

    private void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        // operations on Pictures collection

At runtime I load images using a standard open file dialog into the Pictures collection and then I invoke DoLotsOfOperations() method. But as soon as I try to access any of the properties of a single bitmap I get InvalidOperationException: "The calling thread cannot access the object because different thread owns it".

It is obviosly true - I loaded bitmaps and populated the collection in the UI thread and I try to read collection elements in another thread. So i tried different approaches:

  • I passed the whole collection as a parameter of RunWorkerAsync method and got it back in DoWork method from e.Argument but then when I tried to read properties of a single bitmap I still got the same exception.
  • I tried the same thing, this time passing a single bitmap as backgroundworker's argument and still I couldn't get any of the bitmap's properties, let alone bitmap's pixels.

So how can I access bitmap's data inside another thread (and preferably using BackgroundWorker)?

I don't know, maybe my whole approach is wrong. The general idea I want to achieve is:

  1. User loads bitmaps which are then displayed in a window.
  2. User clicks a button and a long operation on the bitmaps is performed but the UI is responsive (which allows user for example to cancel the opration) and the progress is reported on a progess bar.

Thanks in advance for any help.


1) Proxy class (without thread restriction)

    public class WriteableBitmapProxy
        public IntPtr BackBuffer { get; set; }
        public int BackBufferStride { get; set; }
        public int PixelHeight { get; set; }
        public int PixelWidth { get; set; }

2) Extension methods (unsafe)

    public class RGBColor
        public byte R { get; set; }
        public byte G { get; set; }
        public byte B { get; set; }
        public uint Value
                return (uint)(((uint)R << 16) + ((uint)G << 8) + (B) + ((uint)255 << 24));

   public static RGBColor GetPixel(this WriteableBitmap bmp, uint x, uint y)
            if (y >= bmp.PixelHeight) return default(RGBColor);
            if (x >= bmp.PixelWidth) return default(RGBColor);

            // Get a pointer to the back buffer.
            uint pBackBuffer = (uint)bmp.BackBuffer;

            // Find the address of the pixel to draw.
            pBackBuffer += y * (uint)bmp.BackBufferStride;
            pBackBuffer += x * 4;

            byte* pCol = (byte*)pBackBuffer;
            return new RGBColor() { B = pCol[0], G = pCol[1], R = pCol[2] };

    public static void SetPixel(this WriteableBitmapProxy bmp, uint x, uint y, RGBColor col)
        SetPixel(bmp, x, y, col.Value);

    public static void SetPixel(this WriteableBitmapProxy bmp, uint x, uint y, uint value)
            if (y >= bmp.PixelHeight) return;
            if (x >= bmp.PixelWidth) return;

            // Get a pointer to the back buffer.
            uint pBackBuffer = (uint)bmp.BackBuffer;

            // Find the address of the pixel to draw.
            pBackBuffer += y * (uint)bmp.BackBufferStride;
            pBackBuffer += x * 4;

            // Assign the color data to the pixel.
            *((uint*)pBackBuffer) = value;

3) Procedure to fire long running operation in different thread

      var image = sender as Image;
        var bitmap = image.Source as WriteableBitmap;

        var prx = new WpfImage.MyToolkit.WriteableBitmapProxy()
            BackBuffer = bitmap.BackBuffer,
            BackBufferStride = bitmap.BackBufferStride,
            PixelHeight = bitmap.PixelHeight,
            PixelWidth = bitmap.PixelWidth


        Thread loader = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => 


                  (SendOrPostCallback)delegate { bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, prx.PixelWidth - 1, prx.PixelHeight - 1)); bitmap.Unlock(); }, null);


        loader.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

4) Long Running operation implementation

    void Global_Histogramm(WpfImage.MyToolkit.WriteableBitmapProxy src)
        int SrcX = src.PixelWidth;
        int SrcY = src.PixelHeight;

        double[] HR = new double[256];
        double[] HG = new double[256];
        double[] HB = new double[256];
        double[] DR = new double[256];
        double[] DG = new double[256];
        double[] DB = new double[256];
        uint i, x, y;

        //  wyzeruj tablice
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) HB[i] = HG[i] = HR[i] = 0;

        //  wypelnij histogramy R G B
        for (y = 0; y < SrcY; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < SrcX; x++)
                var color = src.GetPixel(x, y);

        // oblicz histogramy znormalizowane i przygotuj dystrybuanty
        int ilosc_punktow = SrcX * SrcY;
        double sumaR = 0, sumaG = 0, sumaB = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            DB[i] = sumaB + HB[i] / ilosc_punktow;
            DG[i] = sumaG + HG[i] / ilosc_punktow;
            DR[i] = sumaR + HR[i] / ilosc_punktow;
            sumaB = DB[i];
            sumaG = DG[i];
            sumaR = DR[i];

              (SendOrPostCallback)delegate { progressBar1.Maximum = SrcY - 1; }, null);

        // aktualizuj bitmape
        for (y = 0; y < SrcY; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < SrcX; x++)

                var stmp = src.GetPixel(x, y);
                var val = new WpfImage.MyToolkit.RGBColor()
                    B = (byte)(DB[stmp.B] * 255),
                    G = (byte)(DG[stmp.G] * 255),
                    R = (byte)(DR[stmp.R] * 255)
                src.SetPixel(x, y, val);                    

                  (SendOrPostCallback)delegate { progressBar1.Value = y; }, null);


5) Hope it proves the thing.


WriteableBitmap has explicit support for threading. But you have to follow the protocol, use the Lock() method in the thread to gain access to the BackBuffer.

