【Mac Technology Overview】(三) Cocoa Application Layer

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-28 05:29:40

【Mac Technology Overview】(三) Cocoa Application Layer



The Cocoa application layer is primarily responsible for the appearance of apps and their responsiveness to user actions. In addition, many of the features that define the OS X user experience—such as Notification Center, full-screen mode, and Auto Save—are implemented by the Cocoa layer.

Cocoa 应用层是应用外观和用户交互最主要的一层。另外,定义OSX 用户体验的功能,比如通知中心,全屏模式 和 自动保存 都是使用 Cocoa 层实现。

Note: In this book, Cocoa usually refers to the application layer of OS X. In other Apple technical documents, Cocoa frequently refers to all programmatic interfaces that you might use to develop an app, regardless of the layer in which those interfaces reside.

备注:在本章节中,Cocoa 通常指 OSX 的应用层。在其他Apple 技术文档中,Cocoa 频繁用于描述所有你用来开发应用的变成接口,而与这些接口所在的层无关。

The term Aqua refers to the overall appearance and behavior of OS X. The Aqua look and feel is characterized by consistent, user-friendly behaviors combined with a masterful use of layout, color, and texture. Although much of the Aqua look and feel comes for free when you use Cocoa technologies to develop your app, there are still many steps you should take to distinguish your app from the competition. To create a beautiful, compelling app that users will love, be sure to follow the guidance provided in OS X Human Interface Guidelines.

Aqua 表示 OSX 的整体外形和功能表现。Aqua 外观的特定是一致的、用户友好的操作,结合布局、色彩、纹理的熟练使用。尽管当您使用Cocoa技术开发应用程序时,许多Aqua外观都是免费提供的,你仍需要花费很多步骤,来让你的应用脱颖而出。去穿件漂亮的、引人瞩目的让用户喜爱的应用,可以查看 OS X Human Interface Guidelines 的建议。


二、High-Level Features 高层级功能

The Cocoa (Application) layer implements many features that are distinctive aspects of the OS X user experience. Users expect to find these features throughout the system, so it’s a good idea to support all the features that make sense in your app.

Cocoa 层主要实现 OSX 用户体验的功能。用户期望在整个系统中都找到这些功能,所以最好在应用中支持所有有意义的功能。

1、Notification Center 通知中心

Notification Center provides a way for users to receive and view app notifications in an attractive, unobtrusive way. For each app, users can specify how they want to be notified of an item’s arrival; they can also reveal Notification Center to view all the items that have been delivered.

通知中心提供给用户一种更有吸引力而不打扰的方式去接受和查看应用通知。对于每个应用,用户可以制定 收到通知的方式,他们也可以打开通知中心去查看收到的所有通知。

The Notification Center APIs, which help you configure the user-visible portions of a notification item, schedule items for delivery, and find out when items have been delivered. You can also determine whether your app has launched as a result of a notification, and if it has, whether that notification is a local or remote (that is, push) notification.


To learn about integrating the Notification Center into your app, see NSUserNotificationCenter Class Reference and NSUserNotification Class Reference. To ensure that your app gives users the best Notification Center experience, read Notification Center. In addition, you can add items to the Today view using a Today extension, see Today in the App Extension Programming Guide.

学习如何将通知中心整合进你的应用,可以查看 NSUserNotificationCenter Class Reference and NSUserNotification Class Reference. 去确定你的应用给用户最好的通知中心体验,可以阅读 Notification Center。另外,你可以使用 Today 拓展 添加项目到 今天试图,阅读 App Extension Programming Guide 来了解更多。

2、Game Center 游戏中心

Game Center accesses the same social-gaming network as on iOS, allowing users to track scores on a leaderboard, compare their in-game achievements, invite friends to play a game, and start a multiplayer game through automatic matching. Game Center functionality is provided in three parts:

游戏中心 在 iOS 上访问社交游戏网络,允许用户跟踪排行榜上的分数,比较他们游戏中的成绩,邀请朋友加入游戏,通过自动匹配加入多人游戏。游戏中心主要提供下面三个部分的功能:

  • The Game Center app, in which users sign in to their account, discover new games and new friends, add friends to their gaming network, and browse leaderboards and achievements.


  • The Game Kit framework, which contains the APIs developers use to support live multiplayer or turn-based games and adopt other Game Center features, such as in-game voice chat and leaderboard access.

    Game Kit 框架包含开发者去支持实时多人游戏,或基于回合的游戏,并采用游戏中心功能,比如 游戏中语音聊天和排行榜访问。

  • The online Game Center service supported by Apple, which performs player authentication, provides leaderboard and achievement information, and handles invitations and automatching for multiplayer games. You interact with the Game Center service only indirectly, using the Game Kit APIs.

    在线游戏中心由Apple 支持,执行玩家身份验证,提供排行榜和成绩信息,处理邀请和自动加入多人游戏。您只能使用Game Kit API 来和 Game Center 服务进行间接交互。

Note: To support Game Center in a game developed for OS X, you must sign the app with a provisioning profile that enables Game Center. To learn more about provisioning profiles, see Provisioning Your System.

备注:为了 OSX 上开发的游戏支持游戏中心,你必须启动支持 Game Center 的配置文件。关于更多配置文件相关信息,可以阅读 Provisioning Your System。

In your game, use the Game Kit APIs to post scores and achievements to the Game Center service and to display leaderboards in your user interface. You can also use Game Kit APIs to help users find others to play with in a multiplayer game.

To learn more about adding Game Center support to your app, see Game Center Programming Guide.

在你的应用中,使用 Game Kit 接口来发布分数和成绩到游戏中心服务 和 在你的用户界面中展示排行榜。你也可以使用 游戏中心 API 来帮助用户发现其他玩家来加入多人要洗。

3、Sharing 分享

The sharing service provides a consistent user experience for sharing content among many types of services. For example, a user might want to share a photo by posting it in a Twitter message, attaching it to an email, or sending it to another Mac user via AirDrop.

共享服务提供了一致的用户体验,可以在多种类型的服务之间共享内容。例如,用户可能想通过在Twitter消息中发布照片,将其附加到电子邮件中,或通过AirDrop 发送给其他Mac用户 来共享照片。

Use the AppKit NSSharingService class to get information about available services and share items with them directly. As a result, you can display a custom UI to present the services. You can also use the NSSharingServicePicker class to display a list of sharing services (including custom services that you define) from which the user can choose. When a service is performed, the system-provided sharing window is displayed, where the user can comment or add recipients.

使用 AppKit 的 NSSharingService 类来获取可用服务的信息,和直接分享给他们。作为结果,你可以展示一个自定义的 UI 来展示这项服务。你也可以使用 NSSharingServicePicker 类来展示 用户可选的分享服务的列表(包括你自定义的服务)。当服务执行了,系统提供的分享窗口会展示出来,用户可以在其中添加评论或添加收件人。

4、Resume 恢复

Resume is a systemwide enhancement of the user experience that supports app persistence. A user can log out or shut down the operating system, and on next login or startup, OS X automatically relaunches the apps that were last running and restores the windows that were last opened. If your app provides the necessary support, reopened windows have the same size and location as before; in addition, window contents are scrolled to the previous position and selections are restored.

Resume 是系统范围内对用户体验的增强,支持应用程序持久性。用户可以注销用户,或关闭操作系统,或者下一次登录或启动。OSX 会自动启动 上次运行的应用 和 储存的上次打开的窗口。如果你的应用提供必要支持,重新打开窗口会显示和之前同样的尺寸 和 位置;另外,窗口内容也会滑动到之前的位置 并恢复选择。

To support app persistence, you must also implement automatic and sudden app termination, user interface preservation, and Auto Save. See, Automatic and Sudden Termination of Apps, User Interface Preservation, and Documents Are Automatically Saved in the Mac App Programming Guide.

为了支持应用的持久性,你必须执行自动和突然中止程序,用户界面保留 和 自动保存。可以查看 Automatic and Sudden Termination of Apps, User Interface Preservation, 和 Mac App Programming Guide 中的 Documents Are Automatically Saved

5、Full-Screen Mode 全屏模式

When an app enters full-screen mode it opens its frontmost app or document window in a separate space. Enabling full-screen mode adds an Enter Full Screen menu item to the View menu or, if there is no View menu, to the Window menu. When a user chooses this menu item, the frontmost app or document window fills the entire screen.

当应用进入全屏模式,它打开了最前方的应用或文档窗口在一个 分离的空间。在View 菜单 添加 进入全屏模式 的项目 来允许全屏模式,如果没有 View菜单,键入到窗口的目录中。当用户选择进入全屏模式后,最前方的应用或文档串口将充满整个屏幕。

The AppKit framework provides support for customizing the appearance and behavior of full-screen windows. For example, you can set a window-style mask and can implement custom animations when an app enters and exits full-screen mode.

AppKit 框架支持全屏窗口的自定义样式和行为。比如,你可以设置一个窗口样式的蒙版,也可以在应用进入和退出全屏模式时,执行自定义的动画。

You enable and manage full-screen support through methods of the NSApplication and NSWindow classes and the NSWindowDelegate Protocol protocol. To find out more about this feature, read Implementing the Full-Screen Experience in Mac App Programming Guide.

你可以通过 NSApplicationNSWindow 类的方法,以及NSWindowDelegate 协议 来允许和管理全屏模式。来查找这方面的功能,可以阅读 Implementing the Full-Screen ExperienceMac App Programming Guide

6、Cocoa Auto Layout (Cocoa 布局)

Cocoa Auto Layout is a rule-based system designed to implement the layout guidelines described in OS X Human Interface Guidelines. It expresses a larger class of relationships and is more intuitive to use than springs and struts.

Cocoa 自定布局是一个基于规则的系统,来执行 OS X Human Interface Guidelines 中描述的自动布局。与 springs and struts 相比,它表达了更大的关系,使用起来更直观。

Using Auto Layout brings you a number of benefits:


  • Localization through swapping of strings alone, instead of also revamping layouts


  • Mirroring of UI elements for right-to-left languages such as Hebrew and Arabic


  • Better layering of responsibility between objects in the view and controller layers

    A view object usually knows best about its standard size and its positioning within its superview and relative to its sibling views. A controller can override these values if something nonstandard is required.

    在视图层和控制器层之间更好地 分层责任。 视图对象通常最了解 其标准尺寸 和 它在其父视图内,以及和其同级视图的相对位置。如果需要非标准的东西,一个控制器可以重置这些数值。

The entities you use to define a layout are Objective-C objects called constraints. You define constraints by combining attributes—such as leading, trailing, left, right, top, bottom, width, and height—that encapsulate the relationships between UI elements. (Leading and trailing are similar to left and right, but they are more expressive because they automatically mirror the constraint in a right-to-left environment.) In addition, you can assign priority levels to constraints, to identify the constraints that are most important to satisfy.

你们用来定义布局的是叫做约束(constraints) 的OC 对象。你可以使用组合的属性来定义约束,比如 leading, trailing, left, right, top, bottom, width, and height,这些东西封装了 UI元素之间的关系。(Leading trailing 和 left right 相似,但是他们更好用,因为他们在 从右到左的的环境中,可以自动镜像转化。)另外,你可以给约束赋予优先级,来确定哪些约束是最重要的。

You can use Interface Builder to add and edit constraints for your interface. When you need more control, you can work with constraints programatically.

For more information on Auto Layout, see Auto Layout Guide.

你可以使用 IB 来添加和编辑你的界面约束。当你需要更多控制,可以使用程序的方式来实现,更多关于约束的信息,可以阅读 Auto Layout Guide

7、Popovers 弹窗

A popover is a view that displays additional content related to existing content onscreen. AppKit provides the NSPopover class to support popovers. AppKit automatically positions a popover relative to the view containing the existing content—known as the positioning view—and it moves the popover when the popover’s positioning view moves.

弹簧是在屏幕上已存在的内容之外,展示附加内容的试图。AppKit 提供 NSPopover 类来实现弹窗。AppKit 自动根据包含现有内容的视图(视图A)定位 弹出 popover,被成为 positioning view,当 视图A 移动的时候,popover 一起移动。

You configure the appearance and behavior of a popover, including which user interactions cause the popover to close. And by implementing the appropriate delegate method, you can configure a popover to detach itself and become a separate window when a user drags it.

For more information, see NSPopover Class Reference and NSPopoverDelegate Protocol Reference. For guidelines on using popovers, see Popovers in OS X Human Interface Guidelines.

你可以配置 popover 的样式和表现,包括用户关闭 popover 的交互。使用恰当的代理方法的实现,您可以配置弹出窗口 以使其自身分离,并在用户拖动它时成为单独的窗口。

8、Software Configuration 软件配置

OS X programs commonly use property list files (also known as plist files) to store configuration data. A property list is a text or binary file used to manage a dictionary of key-value pairs. Apps use a special type of property list file, called an information property list (Info.plist) file, to communicate key attributes of the app—such as the app’s name, unique identification string, and version information—to the system. Apps also use property list files to store user preferences or other custom configuration data.

OS X程序通常使用 属性列表文件(也称为 plist 文件)来存储配置数据。一个plist 文件是 一个文本或二进制文件,用来保存一组键值对。应用使用特别的 plist 文件,称为 information property list(Info.plist) 文件,来将 应用的键值对,比如应用的名字、唯一标识和版本信息 传递给系统。应用同样使用 plist 文件来存储用户偏好数据,或自定义配置数据。

The advantage of property list files is that they are easy to edit and modify from outside the runtime environment of your app. Xcode includes a built-in property list editor for editing your app’s Info.plist file. To learn more about information property list files and the keys you put in them, see Runtime Configuration Guidelines and Information Property List Key Reference. To learn how to edit a property list file in Xcode, see Edit Keys and Values.

Inside your app, you can read and write property list files programmatically using facilities found in both Core Foundation and Cocoa. For more information on creating and using property lists programmatically, see Property List Programming Guide or Property List Programming Topics for Core Foundation.

plist 文件的有时是,他们非常容易 在应用的运行时环境之外 编写和修改。Xcode 中包含内置的 plist 编辑器来编辑应用的 Info.plist 文件。关于更多 plist 文件和放入其中的 键信息,可以阅读 Runtime Configuration GuidelinesInformation Property List Key Reference。关于学习如何在 Xcode 中编辑 plist 文件,可以阅读 Edit Keys and Values。

在你的应用内,可以使用 Core Foundation 和 Cocoa 中的工具代码 读写 plist 文件。更多使用代码 创建和使用 plist 文件,可以阅读 Property List Programming GuideProperty List Programming Topics for Core Foundation

9、Accessibility 辅助功能

Accessibility is the successful access to information and information technologies by the millions of people who have some type of disability or special need. OS X provides many built-in features and assistive technologies that help users with special needs benefit from the Mac. OS X also provides software developers with the functions they need to create apps that are accessible to all users.

辅助功能 是给 数百万有某种类型的残疾或特殊需要的人 获得信息和信息技术的途径。OSX 提供许多内置功能和辅助技术来帮助有特别需要的用户来使用 Mac。OS X 还为软件开发人员提供了 创建所有用户都可以访问的应用程序所需的功能。

Apps that use Cocoa interfaces receive significant support for accessibility automatically. For example, apps get the following support for free:


  • Zoom features let users increase the size of onscreen elements.


  • Sticky keys let users press keys sequentially instead of simultaneously for keyboard shortcuts.


  • Mouse keys let users control the mouse with the numeric keypad.


  • Full keyboard access mode lets users complete any action using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

    全键盘访问模式,允许用户使用键盘而非鼠标 来完成任何操作。

  • Speech recognition lets users speak commands rather than type them.


  • Text-to-speech reads text to users with visual disabilities.


  • VoiceOver provides spoken user interface features to assist visually impaired users.


Although Cocoa integrates accessibility support into its APIs, there might still be times when you need to provide more descriptive information about your windows and controls. The Accessibility section of the Xcode Identity inspector makes it easy to provide custom accessibility information about the UI elements in your app. Or you can use the appropriate accessibility interfaces to change the settings programmatically.

For more information about accessibility, see Accessibility Programming Guide for OS X.

虽然 Cocoa 将辅助功能整合到了它的接口中,你可能还是需要时间来对窗口和控件提供更多描述信息。Xcode 标识检查器 的可访问性部分,使您可以轻松地提供 有关应用程序中UI元素的自定义可访问性信息。你也可以使用恰当的辅助功能接口,来使用代码修改设置。更多关于 辅助功能的信息,可以阅读 Accessibility Programming Guide for OS X

10、AppleScript 脚本

OS X employs AppleScript as the primary language for making apps scriptable. With AppleScript, users can write scripts that link together the services of multiple scriptable apps.

When designing new apps, you should consider AppleScript support early in the process. The key to a good design that supports AppleScript is choosing an appropriate data model for your app. The design must not only serve the purposes of your app but also make it easy for AppleScript implementers to manipulate your content. After you settle on a data model, you can implement the Apple event code needed to support scripting.

To learn how to support AppleScript in your programs, see Applescript Overview.

OS X使用 AppleScript 作为 应用程序校本化 的主要语言。用户可以使用 AppleScript 编写脚本来链接多个支持脚本的应用提供的服务。

当设计新应用的时候,你需要在设计早期考虑 AppleScript 支持。 支持AppleScript 的良好设计的关键是,为应用程序选择适当的数据模型。该设计不仅必须满足应用程序的目的,而且还必须使 AppleScript 实现者 能够轻松地操作你的内容。在建立数据模型之后,可以实现支持脚本编写所需的Apple事件代码。关于更多在程序中支持 AppleScript,可以阅读 Applescript Overview

11、Spotlight 搜索聚焦

Spotlight provides advanced search capabilities for apps. The Spotlight server gathers metadata from documents and other relevant user files and incorporates that metadata into a searchable index. The Finder uses this metadata to provide users with more relevant information about their files. For example, in addition to listing the name of a JPEG file, the Finder can also list its width and height in pixels.

Spotlight 为应用提供优越的搜索功能。Spotlight 服务从文稿和其他相关用户文件 收集元数据,并将该元数据合并到可搜索的索引中。Finder 使用这些元数据提供用户关于他们文件的更多信息。比如,除了展示一个 JPEG 文件的名字,还可以获得它的宽度和高度的像素。

App developers use Spotlight in two different ways. First, you can search for file attributes and content using the Spotlight search API. Second, if your app defines its own custom file formats, you should incorporate any appropriate metadata information in those formats and provide a Spotlight importer plug-in to return that metadata to Spotlight.

应用开发者可以以两种方式使用 Spotlight。首先,你可以使用 Spotlight 搜索接口来搜索文件属性和内容。第二,如果你的应用有自定义的文件格式,你应该将任意适当的元数据信息 合并到这些格式中,并提供一个 Spotlight 导入插件 来将元数据返回给 Spotlight。

Note: You should not use Spotlight for indexing and searching the general content of a file. Spotlight is intended for searching only the metainformation associated with files. To search the actual contents of a file, use Search Kit. For more information on Search Kit, see Other Frameworks in the Core Services Layer.

For more information on using Spotlight in your apps, see Spotlight Overview.

备注:你不应该使用 Spotlight 来缩影和搜索一般文件的内容。Spotlight 只是用来搜索和文件关联的元信息。搜索文件实际的内容,应该使用 Search Kit。关于更多 Search Kit 的信息,可以阅读 Other Frameworks in the Core Services Layer。关于更多如何在应用中使用 Spotlight 的信息,可以阅读 Spotlight Overview

12、Ink Services

Ink Services provides handwriting recognition for apps that support the Cocoa and WebKit text systems and any text system that supports input methods. The automatic support is for text and handwriting gestures (which are defined in the Ink panel). The Ink framework offers several features that you can incorporate into your apps, including the following:

Ink Services 为应用提供手写识别,支持 Cocoa 和 WebKit 文字系统,以及所有支持输入法的文字系统。自动支持文本和手写笔势(在墨迹面板中定义)。Ink framework 提供了以下几种你可以在应用中使用的特性。

  • Enabling or disabling handwriting recognition programmatically


  • Accessing Ink data directly


  • Supporting either deferred recognition or recognition on demand


  • Supporting the direct manipulation of text by means of gestures


The Ink Services feature is implemented by the Ink framework (Ink.framework). The Ink framework is not intended solely for developers of end-user apps. Hardware developers can also use it to implement a handwriting recognition solution for a new input device. You might also use the Ink framework to implement your own correction model to provide users with a list of alternate interpretations for handwriting data.

Ink Services 特性由 Ink 框架 (Ink.framework) 实现, Ink 框架不是专门为最终用户的开发者设计的,硬件开发者也需要使用它来给新的输入设备 实现 手写识别方案。你可能同时使用 Ink 框架来实现你的自己的 纠错模型,来给用户的手写输入数据 提供一组可替代的解释。

The Ink framework is a subframework of Carbon.framework; you should link to it directly with the umbrella framework, not with Ink.framework. For more information on using Ink Services in Cocoa apps, see Using Ink Services in Your Application.

Ink 框架是 Carbon.framework 的子框架,使用 Ink框架时,你需要引用 Ink 的伞框架(Carbon.framework),而非直接使用 Ink.framework。更多关于 Cocoa 应用中的 Ink 服务,可以阅读 Using Ink Services in Your Application

三、Frameworks 框架

The Cocoa (Application) layer includes the frameworks described in the following sections.

1、Cocoa Umbrella Framework

The Cocoa umbrella framework (Cocoa.framework) imports the core Objective-C frameworks for app development: AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data.

Cocoa 伞框架(Cocoa.framework)为应用开发引入了核心 OC 框架:AppKit, Foundation, 和 Core Data。

  • AppKit (AppKit.framework). This is the only framework of the three that is actually in the Cocoa layer. See AppKit for a summary of AppKit features and classes.

    AppKit 是这三个框架中,唯一一个在 Cocoa 层的框架。你可以阅读 AppKit 来查看 AppKit 的特性和类的总结。

  • Foundation (Foundation.framework). The classes of the Foundation framework (which resides in the Core Services layer) implement data management, file access, process notification, network communication, and other low-level features. AppKit has a direct dependency on Foundation because many of its methods and functions either take instances of Foundation classes as parameters, or return the instances as values.

    To find out more about Foundation, see Foundation and Core Foundation.

    Foundation 的类(在 Core Services 层),实现数据管理、文件访问、进程通知、网络通信 和 其他低层级的功能。 AppKit 对Foundation 有直接的依赖,因为 AppKit 的很多方法和功能使用 Foundation 的类作为参数或返回值。关于更多 Foundation 的信息,可以阅读 Foundation and Core Foundation

  • Core Data (CoreData.framework). The classes of the Core Data framework (which also resides in the Core Services layer) manage the data model of an app based on the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Although Core Data is optional for app development, it is recommended for apps that deal with large data sets.

    For more information about Core Data, see Core Data.

    Core Data 框架(在 Core Services 层)的类管理 基于 MVC 设计模式的应用的数据模型。虽然 Core Data 对于应用开发是可选项,但推荐 应用处理大量数据集合时使用。关于更多 Core Data 的信息,可以阅读 Core Data


AppKit is the key framework for Cocoa apps. The classes in the AppKit framework implement the user interface (UI) of an app, including windows, dialogs, controls, menus, and event handling. They also handle much of the behavior required of a well-behaved app, including menu management, window management, document management, Open and Save dialogs, and pasteboard (Clipboard) behavior.

AppKit 是 Cocoa 应用的核心框架。AppKit 框架中的类,实现应用的用户界面,包括 窗口、对话、控件、目录 和 事件处理。它同样管理应用的行为,包括 目录管理、窗口管理、文档管理,打开和保存对话,剪贴板行为。

In addition to having classes for windows, menus, event handling, and a wide variety of views and controls, AppKit has window- and data-controller classes and classes for fonts, colors, images, and graphics operations. A large subset of classes comprise the Cocoa text system, described in Text, Typography, and Fonts. Other AppKit classes support document management, printing, and services such as spellchecking, help, speech, and pasteboard and drag-and-drop operations.

在 窗口、目录、事件处理和各种视图、控件之外,AppKit 还有窗口和数据控制器类,字体、颜色、图片、图形处理类。类的很大一部分组成Cocoa文本系统,在 Text, Typography, and Fonts 中有描述。其它 AppKit 类支持 文档管理、打印 和 拼写检查、帮助、语音、剪贴板、拖拽等服务。

Apps can participate in many of the features that make the user experience of OS X such an intuitive, productive, and rewarding experience. These features include the following:

应用程序可以参与许多功能,使OS X的用户体验成为一种直观、高效和有益的体验。这些功能包括:

  • Gestures. Users appreciate being able to use fluid, intuitive Multi-Touch gestures to interact with OS X. AppKit classes make it easy to adopt these gestures in your app and to provide a better zoom experience without redrawing your content. For example, NSScrollView includes built-in support for the smart zoom gesture (that is, a two-finger double-tap on a trackpad). When you provide the semantic layout of your content, NSScrollView can intelligently magnify the content under the pointer. You can also use this class to respond to the lookup gesture (that is, a three-finger tap on a trackpad). To learn more about the gesture support that NSScrollView provides, see NSScrollView Class Reference.

    手势:用户喜欢使用流畅、直观的多点触控手势与OSX交互。AppKit 的类 使在应用程序中采用这些手势变得容易,并且在不重新绘制内容的情况下 提供更好的缩放体验。比如 NSScrollView 为敏捷的缩放手势包含内置支持(双指双击触控板)。当你为内容提供语义布局时,NSScrollView 可以智能的放大指针下的内容。你也可以使用这个类来相应lookup 手势(三指轻击触控板) 。学习更多关于 NSScrollView 支持的手势,可以阅读 NSScrollView Class Reference.

  • Spaces. Spaces lets the user organize windows into groups and switch back and forth between groups to avoid cluttering up the desktop. AppKit provides support for sharing windows across spaces through the use of collection behavior attributes on the window. For information about setting these attributes, see NSWindow Class Reference.

    Spaces:空间让用户组织视窗进入组和开关后面,并在组之间避免在桌面上关闭。AppKit通过在窗口上使用集合行为属性,支持跨空间共享窗口更多关于设置这些属性的信息,可以参阅 NSWindow Class Reference

  • Fast User Switching. With this feature, multiple users can share access to a single computer without logging out. One user’s session can continue to run, while another user logs in and accesses the computer. To support fast user switching, be sure that your app avoids doing anything that might affect another version of the app running in a different session. To learn how to implement this behavior, see Multiple User Environment Programming Topics.

    快速用户切换:使用这个功能,多用户可以在不注销的情况下访问同一台电脑。在一个用户登入电脑后,另一个用户的会话可以继续运行。为了支持快速用户切换,需要保证你的应用 不会干扰在不同会话中运行的此应用的其他版本。关于更多这方面的功能,可以参阅 Multiple User Environment Programming Topics

Xcode includes Interface Builder, a user interface editor that contains a library of AppKit objects, such as controls, views, and controller objects. With it, you can create most of your UI (including much of its behavior) graphically rather than programatically. With the addition of Cocoa bindings and Core Data, you can also implement most of the rest of your app graphically.

For an overview of the AppKit framework, see the introduction to the Application Kit Framework Reference. Mac App Programming Guide offers a practical discussion of how you use mostly AppKit classes to implement an app’s user interface, its documents, and its overall behavior.

Xcode 包含 IB,一个界面编辑器,包含 AppKit 对象库,比如 控件、视图 和控制器对象。使用 IB,你可以图形化的创造你大部分的 UI(包含他们的行为),而不用使用代码。使用 Cocoa 绑定和 Core Data,你也可以图形化的实现应用的其他部分。

3、Game Kit 游戏

The Game Kit framework (GameKit.framework) provides APIs that allow your app to participate in Game Center. For example, you can use Game Kit classes to display leaderboards in your game and to give users the opportunity to share their in-game achievements and play multiplayer games.

To learn more about using Game Kit in your app, see Game Kit Framework Reference.

Game Kit 框架提供因公来允许你的应用参与 游戏中心。比如,你可以使用 Game Kit 类来在应用中展示排行榜,给用户机会去分享他们在游戏中的成绩,参与多人游戏。关于更多在应用中使用 Game Kit 的信息,参阅 Game Kit Framework Reference

4、Preference Panes 偏好设置面板

The Preference Panes framework (PreferencePanes.framework) lets you create plug-ins containing a user interface for setting app preferences. At runtime, the System Preferences app (or your app) can dynamically load the plug-in and present the settings UI to users. In System Preferences, each icon in the Show All view represents an individual preference pane plug-in. You typically implement preference pane plug-ins when your app lacks its own user interface or has a very limited UI but needs to be configurable. In these cases, you create both the plug-in and the app-specific code that reads and writes the preference settings.

For more information about creating preference-pane plug-ins, see Preference Pane Programming Guide.

Preference Panes 框架帮你创建 应用偏好设置的用户交互插件。在运行时,系统偏好设置应用(或你的应用),可以动态加载插件,给用户展示设置 UI。在系统偏好设置,所有 Show All 视图中展示的 icon,代表一个独立的 偏好设置面板插件。通常在你的应用缺乏自己的界面,或者只有少数的 UI,但需要被配置的情况下,才来实现偏好设置插件。在这些情况下,你同时创建插件,和特定的代码来读写偏好设置。

5、Screen Saver 屏保

The Screen Saver framework (ScreenSaver.framework) contains classes for creating dynamically loadable bundles that implement screen savers. Users can select your screen saver in the Desktop & Screen Saver pane of the System Preferences app. Screen Saver helps you implement the screen saver view and preview and manage screen saver preferences.

To learn more about creating screen savers, see Screen Saver Framework Reference. Also read the technical note Building Screen Savers for Snow Leopard for additional information.

Screen Saver 框架包含类,来创建可以动态加载的 实现屏保的包。用户可以在 Desktop & Screen Saver 面板 选择你的屏幕保护程序。Screen Saver 帮助你实现屏保视图,展示和管理屏保偏好设置。关于更多创建屏保的信息,参阅 Screen Saver Framework Reference。更多信息可以阅读 Building Screen Savers for Snow Leopard

6、Security Interface 安全接口

The Security Interface framework (SecurityInterface.framework) contains classes that provide UI elements for programs implementing security features such as authorization, access to digital certificates, and access to items in keychains. There are classes for creating custom views and standard security controls, for creating panels and sheets for presenting and editing certificates, for editing keychain settings, and for presenting and allowing selection of identities.

For more information about the Security Interface framework, see Security Interface Framework Reference.

Security Interface 框架包含使用程序实现 安全功能UI元素 的类,比如:授权、访问数字证书、访问 keychain 里面的项目。有创建自定义视图和标准安全控制的类,展示、编辑证书的窗口和表单的类,编辑钥匙串设置,展示和允许选择身份的类。

关于更多 Security Interface 框架的信息,可以参阅 Security Interface Framework Reference

伊织 2019-12-20 23:39(五)
