i have build a python file based on randomforestclassifier and made a PMML model, now we need to use this PMML in Java to classify the data into 2 catagories..but this is new to me and i don't know how to handle the java part..
Google: pmml java
Second Link is https://github.com/jpmml/jpmml-evaluator
There you have a library with examples. So try it and come back if you have problems.
Another choice is PMML4S that is implemented in Scala, but you are free to use it by Scala or Java API. It's very easy to use, for example:
import org.pmml4s.model.Model;
Model model = Model.fromFile("/the/pmml/file/path");
Object result = model.predict(data)
The data could be in Map
, Array
, A String in JSON
, Series
, the result type is same as the input. For details how to use PMML4S in Java, you could see the example: https://github.com/autodeployai/pmml4s/blob/master/src/test/java/org/pmml4s/model/JModelTest.java